Tea for Two (1)

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The ability to have tea and tea parties was introduced to minecraft, the first thing stress decided to do was to invite some hermits over for tea.

Stress Monster looked at herself one more time in the mirror, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She pursed her gloss covered lips, and started off towards her backyard, the one in her secondary house somewhere off in a sunflower plains biome.

The lovely little estate was nestled perfectly at the base of a mountain, stationed up slightly on a hill that overlooked a valley.

The valley wasn't big, but not small, with a ring of mountains surrounding it, their peaks just beyond the render distance.
The floor of the valley was dotted with flowers, each a vibrant and soothing hue. A river ran clean through part of it, dotted with lily pads and greenery growing from its shallow depths.

Stress inhaled the scent of fresh flowers, a light hazy feeling dancing through her head. The kind of feeling you get on a toasty summer day, where you can't really remember afterwards but you still know that everything was absolutely delightful. The kind of feeling you get when you know everything will be just fine.

Stress let the intoxicating scent of nature fill her lungs as she lazily meandered over to a little space that she had build with a particularly beautiful view of the valley and all it had to offer.

She sat down at a chair, producing a tea pot from her inventory. She placed the tea pot onto a small burner off the table, with heat enough to keep the water warm, but not enough to let it boil off.

Also from her inventory she produced a basket with goods, baked fresh. Chocolate chip cookies, Biscuits, and rolls, each one smelling more delicious than the last.

However, the crowning jewel was of course the tea itself.

Produced by Stress herself, the floral and fruity tea had a sweet yet earthy tone, with intoxicatingly bright notes. It was, for lack of a better term, magnificent.

Stress had just finished placing down the cups when her company arrived, a certain Iskall85.

He flew down from above, landing with a graceful swoop as he closed his elytra. "Hello Stress!" He cheered, his voice cheerful as ever.

Stress smiled and held out her arms as if you ask for a hug. "Hey Iskall! Always a pleasure to see you!" Her accent clipped off any r sound, replacing it with an a, it was quite soothing in a way. It was the accent that sweet Ms. What's-her-name from three doors down had. The accent that reminded you that maybe a cup of tea and some cookies was all that mattered.

Iskall accepter the offer, hugging his friend. "Pleasure to you too!" He said, patting her back a couple times in a sort of reassuring and friendly manner. "Thanks for inviting me," he said, pulling away from the hug.

"Of course!" Stress chimed in, "anytime.." she trailed off. "Oh dear, where are my manners! Sit, sit, pour yourself a cup of tea. I made the tea and pastries myself." She smiled and pulled out a chair for Iskall, who happily seated himself.

Stress sat at the opposite end of the table, waiting for Iskall to finish making his tea before she poured her own. She struck up a bit of conversation, idle prattle mostly, but it was pleasant. Everything was fine. Just fine.

Iskall sipped at his tea and nibbled on his cookie, both of which he found were delicious. He hadn't even noticed that Stress had yet to sip her own tea, he was too lost in conversation.

After a few minutes he found it harder to keep up with the conversation, he felt a few clouds slowly settle into his head. He bit back the urge to yawn, taking a bigger sip of his tea.

When he did, he noticed something odd.

His eyes got a glimpse into Stress's.

What once had been charming amusement was now.. dark.

Her benevolent smile had turned into a malicious grin, a smirk of arrogance- but also confidence.

She stood up tall in her seat, hands crossed over her legs.

"Feeling a bit tired, love?" She asked, the tone of her voice suddenly dark, confident.. all the comfort that Iskall had earlier found in it vanished, as a wave of realization- but also drowsiness- washed over him.

He had been drugged.

He attempted to stand up, grabbing his sword. He made a weak attempt and a swing, but fell to the ground before he could even make it out of his seat.

Stress stood up, walked over to Iskall, and bent down. She caressed his cheek gently, looming over him. She felt like a giant, even though they were similar in size.

"Sorry, love. I hate to do this to you." Her condescending tone mixed with the sedatives made Iskall even more angry, as he weakly tried to push her away. However his arms wouldn't move as the darkness slowly climbed to his vision.


I can't see

Where am I? What happened?

"Did it work?" A faint and vaguely familiar voice called out.

"We won't know until he fully regains consciousness.." another vaguely familiar voice chirped.

"Call me when he does," the first voice said, followed by the sound of footsteps.


Unedited, excuse the mistakes! (But do point them out so I can fix them)

part two will be out when I get my shit together-

-Yours, Lonely Fish

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