You're not sorry

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Mentions of sex

Angsty Bdoc for the soul.

Doc gets caught :)

Docs' knife cut through the stake like butter, the serrated ends slicing into the tender flesh, blade ever so slightly scraping against the fork holding the meat in place.

The cut was seared to perfection, hatched sear marks on the outside, juicy red on the inside. As he took a piece and put it in his mouth, it practically fell apart.

He gently laid down his knife so he could pick up his wine glass, holding the fragile cup gently in his fleshy hand. He brought the glass to his lips and took a small sip, slightly worried at the silence

"Great food, right?" Doc said, trying to stir up a bit of conversation. The awkward silence was worrying him.

He and Bdubs were having a dinner date for the first time in a while. They were sitting in Doc's half of the mansion, and the air was tense.

Doc received no response other than silence from Bdubs, who looked to be considering something.

"I know what you did," Bdubs said, breaking the silence after a second of deliberation. He tried to keep his voice strong, but it broke halfway through, and despite his best effort, he was clearly heartbroken.

"I don't know what you mean?" Doc responded. He absolutely knew what Bdubs meant. He knew what those words meant.

It meant he had been caught.

"Save it. Ren told me." Bdubs murmured, bottom lip starting to quiver as he fought tears. Oh god. He was starting to get emotional.

Doc let out a curse under his breath, words catching in his throat. This wasn't how it was supposed to go.

"Baby I'm-" he started, trying to find the right way to describe what he needed to say.

"No." Bdubs said simply, a small sob bubbling up from his chest. "No- you- you don't get to 'baby' me. You don't get to fucking 'baby' me!"

"One.. One or two times.. fine, we all make mistakes. B-but.. you.. you two.. were.. it was.. a.. a whole month and I.." Another sob escaped Bdubs' lips before he could cover them, tears pooling in the corners of his eyes. Rage and sadness swam through his chest, and no amount of words could describe just how he felt.

"Bdubs I'm sorry I really didn't-"

"No! No! No! You're not sorry! You're sorry you got caught! The only reason I found out is because Ren told me! Oh, and you didn't even have the decency to tell Ren you were dating me! You just couldn't fucking help yourself! Actually, no, you did help yourself! You helped yourself far too much and now you're suffering the consequences."

Bdubs stood up so abruptly in his chair that it fell over, the silverware in his hands clattering to the floor.

He didn't say anything as he leaped out of the building, activating his elytra and flying away.

Bdubs felt like a teenager again, as that was the last time he had cried this hard.

He just couldn't stop.

He wanted to, did he want to, but he just couldn't.

He didn't cry when Ren first told him, surely there had to be a reasonable explanation for why Doc would cheat on him. He would just confess to Doc what he knew, and Doc would explain what happened, and it would all be over.

That's what Bdubs had hoped.

That there was a shred of Doc that felt guilty for what he had done.

But no.

One look at Doc's eyes told Bdubs.

Doc didn't think he had done anything wrong.

"Bdubs? I- I'm really sorry.. please.. please just.. let's talk about it.. I-" Doc stood on one side of Bdubs' bedroom door. He tried to fill his voice with emotion, but for some reason he just couldn't. He didn't feel bad.

He didn't feel anything.

Was he supposed to?

He knew he had done something wrong, but in his head, he didn't process that. He didn't feel bad.

He didn't feel anything.

"I.. I'm so.. so sorry.." he said, hoping his voice didn't sound apathetic.

Bdubs wasn't fooled.

He pulled the blanket further over his head, hoping to drown out the constant knocks from someone who really should have taken the hint.

"I- I love you.. Bdubs.. I really do.." Doc said, knowing he was lying. It just rolled off his tongue so easily. It sounded so right. Doc was dating Bdubs, he had to love him, right?

Uh yeah I got burned out faster than a cheap ass sparkler on this one

X/Ex DID (maybe) next.

Either that or something about Tangos,,, declining,, mental state

-yours, Spider

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