Tea for 2 (2)

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Trigger warning for graphic descriptions.

"Where the hell am I?" Iskall called out, trying to look at his surroundings. It was dark, but it wasn't like the absence of light, more like his eyes were covered.

"I'll do whatever you want, just let me go." Iskall spoke calmly, despite the internal panic.

"Welcome back to the land of the livin', though that's ironic coming from me.." A British accent voiced. It was familiar, but Iskall couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"Who are you? where am I? I can't see." Iskall called out, trying to move his arms only to find out they were bound.

"Ah yes, you wouldn't be able to i suppose. Hmm.." she paused, before calling out to someone else, "can we give him back his vision, or..?"

Another voice responded, this time a male American, it also sounded familiar. "I mean I'd advise against it.. we should ease him into it. The surgery will have taken its toll. Exposing him to light that soon could be detrimental. We should wait at least another four hours, though I'd advise more. We can't be 100% sure that everything's.."

"You did surgery on me?!" Iskall sounded outraged, and who wouldn't be?

"Oh yes, dear. Sorry for the whole lack of consent thing. I just really, really-" the British voice started, before being cut off by the American.

"-let's not discuss, the shock could prove too much to handle while he still doesn't have his vision. I don't want his brain melting to mush." American spoke.

"Of course, of course." British responded. "Should we just knock him out for the time being?"

"Wait no- dont-" Iskall spoke, however in vain.

He heard a few steps and then some shuffling, and he slowly went to sleep.

When Iskall woke up, he could sort of see. Everything was blurry, and his eyes hurt like hell. It was like when the optometrist puts those drops into your eyes, only ten times worse, so he closed his eyes. He tried to move his hand to cover his face, but his hands were bound.

It wasn't like there was much to see anyway. From what little glance he got, it was just a white washed room.

"I know it's a bit difficult, but could you please try to open your eyes and adjust to the light for me?" The british lady spoke, sweetness dripping from her words like honey.

"I'm not doing anything until you tell me what the fuck is going on here!" His voice was full of conviction, which made the British lady laugh.

"You're not the one calling the shots here." She said, snapping her fingers.

Iskall's eyes were forced open, and a rush of light hit him.

"Wha-" he sounded as bewildered as he felt. There was nobody forcing him to open his eyes, and as far as he could feel, he was opening his eyes off his own will. "How did you..?"

A laugh escaped the British lady's mouth, "worked like a charm! Thank you Cub, you can leave. I'll handle this."

Footsteps exited the room, but Iskall was more bewildered than he was before.

"Wait, CUB? CLEO? As in, Hermitcra.. holy shit." Iskall murmured the last part, his mental cogs turning.

"So you've figured it out! Delightful, I was wondering when you would." Cleo snapped her fingers again, and this time Iskall sat up in his seat.

"Wha.. I don't.. I don't understand.." Iskall fumbled for an explanation. Now that he was sat up, he could see the room and it's occupant.

It was indeed Cleo, and he was in a sort of laboratory.

"How do you keep making me..?" He said, very confused.

"Observe," she had a bit of a mischievous grin.

She walked over to a computer and typed a few things in, a second later a few pistons shuffled and one of the white walls opened, to reveal..


Iskall's head, along with his entire nervous system.

Notably, there wasn't any blood, and his face didn't look to be in pain. It looked well preserved. His nervous system was strung up underneath it.

Cleo was laughing, "sorry, love. Had to be done. You're completely fine, don't worry. We replaced your nerves with metal tendrils." She pursed her lips, releasing them with a loud pop.

"You'll even have an increased lifespan, and we flooded your blood with nanites, you'll be less susceptible to disease.." Cleo droned on about all the benefits, but for Iskall it was in one ear out the other.

"One question, why? Why did you do this." He sounded grave, ready to rip Cleo's head from her shoulders.

"For what reason does someone ride a roller coaster? For the thrill of the drop." Cleo sounded serious, sound in her madness.

"You.. you.. y- you.. you ruined everything f-for m..me because you w-wanted to.. see if you.." Iskall was furious. Seething. She thought she had the right to ruin his life because she felt like it?!

"Monster! Beast! You scum of man!" He struggled furiously against his restraints, but they held firm. "I'll kill you!" He would. He really would.

Cleo made a fake pouty lip, "Aww, darling.. is that how you thank me?"

"Thank you for what?!"

"Saving you, of course."

"You didn't save me, you could've killed me!"

"But I didn't. Instead i offer you this opportunity."

"I don't want your opportunity! I want my fucking head back!"

"Unfortunately for you, that isn't an option. So you can listen or spend the rest of your life rotting in this laboratory." She sounded harsher than she may have intended to.

"Whatever you want me to do, I won't do it."

"Fine, your choice." Cleo turned her head, and walked out of the door, turning the lights off on her way out.

A bit short of an ending, yeah, but y'know, I just sort of wanted to get this out.

Next I have a bit of a long one planned- so get ready! (At least I hope it's going to be long, don't quote me on it).

-yours, a Phantom Theif of Hearts~

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