A life with someone who loves you

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Tw: homophobia, internalized homophobia, slight (basically nonexistent) sexual content.

Beef x wels. If you don't ship 'em you're wrong.

(The ship name is Beef Welsington, if you're on the fence)

Not much to say here except I wrote this in like 10 mins.

Parentheses denotes internal thoughts, this might be confusing to read idk

It was wrong.

(Was it?)

His whole life, he'd been told it was wrong.

(According to who?)

So why'd he do it?

(You need a reason?)

He knew it was wrong.

(It didn't feel wrong)

He knew he shouldn't have done it.

(But who would you be if you didn't?)

Holding hands with another boy was wrong.

(No its not)

Kissing another boy was wrong.

(No it's not)

Fucking another boy was wrong.

(No it's not)

Loving another boy was wrong.

(No its not)


(It feels so right)

"Blonde hair, blue eyes.."

(Nice abs, slightly stubbled chin)

"Big chest, nice figure.."

(Broad shoulders, toned thighs)

"Charming smile, always looking out for others.."

(Chivalrous to a fault, always needlessly getting into fights)

"Laughs at all my jokes, genuine about it too."

(And what a charming laugh it is)

"What's her name?"



(You're lying to yourself)

"We shouldn't be doing this."

(You know you want to, you fucking fool!)

"Says who?"

(Listen to the incredibly handsome man you dumb-fuck!)

"Everyone.. if we were to be caught.."

(No! Fuck them!)

"Beef.. I.. we'll just have to be careful.."

(Please, listen to him you fool!)

"We'll be caught eventually.."

(Fuck! No! This could be your one chance!)

"Then we can run away! You- you always said you wanted to build a hotel.."

(Your dreams, please, you could achieve them with a loving husband by your side!)

"Wels.. you know.. we can't.."

(You can!)

"Pleas.. please.. I love.. I c-can't lose you.."

(You can't lose him)

"I love you too, Welsie.."

(Then why do you want to leave him?)

"Then please.. Beef.. don- don't let.. let them.."


"I love you, Wels."

(Don't leave him)

"I love you too, Beef."

(You could have had a future)

The first time he'd had sex with a woman, he vomited afterwards.

(This never happened with Wels)

He never got married.

(Gay marriage doesn't have to be legal to be valid)

He met a few guys, ones he fell in love with.

(You could have confessed)

He had only dated one person after Wels.

(A woman)

It didn't work out.

(Of course it didn't)

The rest of his days were bland.

(Thinking of blonde hair, blue eyes, nice abs, a stubbled chin, broad shoulders, toned thighs, charming smiles, adorable laughs, a life you could have had)

Watching couples, french kissing, walking dogs, holding hands.

(That could have been you)

Looking at the news as life changed around him.

(But you always stay the same)

Sitting on the balcony, longing.

(For a life with someone who loves you)

I just realized the whole 'run away and build a hotel' thing is just a more gay version of shawshank redemption



-yours, its 2 am and I have school tomorrow what the fuck am I doing with my life

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