Chapter One - Bitchy Ass Girlfriend

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"But Emily, whyyy"

"Because she hates me! And I don't much like her either after the things she's called me."

"I need both of you there though, I'm absolutely shitting myself!"

The she we are talking about is his girlfriend. I sigh as he looks at me with his puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, but let me tell you something Daniel Smith, you owe me one!"

"You're the best Ems" he said excitedly, kissing me on the cheek before bouncing off the sofa.

I wish he wouldn't do that. The kissing business. It gives me those God awful butterflies and I definitely shouldn't be feeling this way about someone. Not someone who I've been best friends with for 18 years. Not someone that I live with. Not someone with a girlfriend.

I roll my eyes at him and he smiles cheekily back.

"Okay" he launches into a long winded explanation of how the night is going to go, "If you get there about half past 7, that'd be great, we're on at 8, for about an hour and then I promise I'll buy you a drink or dinner or something when it's over to say thank you for coming"

"It's going to be one expensive dinner mister!"

Dan is forcing me to go to his first gig with his newly put together band, Bastille.

He's been writing songs in his bedroom for as long as I can remember. He's always been excited about music, but this was on a different level. How could I say no to him?

The reason I don't want to go is because of his bitchy ass girlfriend. She's hated me since the beginning. It's been a long year, to say the least, since according to her, there's something going on between Dan and I. There isn't. Not a thing. Well, not a thing from him.

"Where would you like me to take you? Villa Italia? Taste of Asia?"

He starts rhyming off ridiculously expensive restaurants.

I roll my eyes. "A kebab and a bottle of diet coke will do me fine thanks" I smile at him and stand up.

"I'll ignore her... for you" I hug him "I'm super proud of you Dan. I know how much this means to you"

Good lord he smells good.

I quickly snap out of it and poke his stomach.

"I'll be expecting free entry to all your shows when you're rich and famous though" I grin widely.

He laughs, "Yeah right, like that's ever gonna happen" he pokes me back, "Could you get down a bit earlier so you can come backstage before? I'm gonna need all the support I can get from my bestie"

My heart sinks a little. Bestie.

I pull myself together.

"Anything for you dear" I say in a slightly sarcastic tone.

I look him in the eyes for a second before breaking my gaze "Now go and meet your boys so you can get a last rehearsal in. I'll see you in a few hours."

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