Chapter Twenty Three - Those Glasses

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Dans POV

I slowly open my eyes. Damn, this light is bright. I lift my glasses from the bedside table and put them on. After a minute I find my phone and check the time, it's after noon.

I groan. I really should get up now and head for practise before this gig tonight.

But I have absolutely no motivation to get out of bed and every motivation to stay right where I am.

Emily's lying with her head on my chest, her eyes are closed, but I know she's not sleeping, I can feel her very lightly running her finger along my side.

She's amazing. Last night was amazing.

"I wouldn't mind being in trouble with you more often Daniel" she whispers.

I laugh and run my hand through my hair, "I'm sure we can arrange something"

She opens her eyes and props herself up on her elbow. Her hair is messy and all over the place and her eyeliner has smudged all around her eyes.

"You look really perfect right now you know" I smile.

"Daaaan" she whines "Shut up" but she kisses me quickly and smiles back.

"Although you're not looking too bad yourself. You know those glasses make you look just dashing" she giggles.

She suddenly seems to realise that it's morning. "What time is it? Don't you need to get to rehearsal?!"

"It's fine" I reply "I've got two hours before I have to be there. I just want to lie here for now"

I quickly text Kyle and let him know I'm going to be late. I don't have two hours, I have less than one, but if I tell Emily that she'll force me to get up.

"I'm hungry... and I want a shower"

"Nooooooooo" I slip my arms around her waist and pull her on top of me.

"You don't want anything other than to just lie here" I pout at her.

"Stop it you big baby" she pokes my lips. "I didn't say I was gonna move!"

"Good" I grin.

We lie in bed and just talk absolute rubbish for the next hour, but then Emily checks the time and quite literally pushes me off the bed.

I hit the floor with a thud. "Ouch! You really don't know your own strength do you?!"

She doesn't say anything, she just points towards the door, silently telling me to go shower.

"Right... I'm going" I walk out the door and head to the bathroom.

It doesn't take me long to get ready, so within 15 minutes I'm in the living room, just about to head to practise.

Emily skips into the room and jumps on me. "Have fun at practise, I'll see you at the show" she kisses me.

"Front row? Yeah?" I kiss her back.

"You know it" she winks at me and pushes me out the door.

I wave as I walk out and close the door behind me. Tonight's going to be good. I can feel it.

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