Chapter Thirty Eight - Pompeii

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A/N: Sorry about this one. It's short and rubbish. More of a filler than anything else. 2k reads though! Exciting. I'll have more chapters up soon.


Dans POV

"Oh Em I'm so sorry, it's my fault, I shouldn't have told people" I shake my head and sigh.

"I didn't show you to upset you Dan" she gets off her seat and settles herself in my lap. "I just wanted to show you before you saw it yourself" she kisses my forehead "It isn't your fault"

"What's not his fault?" asks Kyle as he strolls towards us. "Because whatever it is, it probably IS his fault"

Emily laughs, although I don't find the situation particularly funny. I hand him the phone "Those are the tweets she's getting"

Kyle breathes in deeply as he reads "Harsh" he hands Emily's phone back to her "But they're right, you could do with brushing your hair once in a while" he grins.

She gets up and hits him which makes us all laugh.

"Where's everyone else?" I ask, standing up to join them.

"Well we were gonna wait for you two but the rest of them couldn't control themselves any longer, they're in McDonald's"

I roll my eyes.

"It's only round the corner though, let's go" Kyle grabs my hand and pulls me towards the door.

"Are we going out tonight?" Emily skips along behind us.

"I don't really feel like drinking" I turn to look at her quickly.

"But Danielllll" she pouts and grabs my hand "We're in Ireland. What's the point in being here if we're not going to get drunk"

I laugh. She's got a point I suppose. "Fine, Google a few bars and see where seems good"

After a few minutes of walking we get to McDonalds. The three of us order our food and then make our way upstairs where we find everyone else.

Emily's got her head buried in her phone and is chatting away to Chrissy, so we take the opportunity to discuss some band stuff.

I hear Emily's message tone, followed quickly by Chrissys and Kyles, but don't pay much attention.

"You guys..." Chrissy says slowly.
"Have any of you listened to the radio in the last hour? Or bothered checking your phones?"

"No?" we all shake our heads.

"Marks been trying to ring you Dan" says Emily.

"What for?" I look up from my food quickly, "Is everything okay?"

"You guys..." she looks at her phone again and then at all four of us "Pompeii got UK number one today..."

"WHAT?!" Kyle shouts.

There are similar displays of shock from Will and Woody. I just stare at her.

"Are you sure?"

"Dan what do you mean am I sure, yes I'm sure! You're number one!"

Holy shit.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and check it. It's been on silent all day. Sure enough there are 8 missed calls and a message from Mark, 'Dan mate gimme a call, awesome news'

"Well now we have to go and get drunk tonight!" exclaims Kyle.

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