Chapter Three - Friend Mode

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I open my eyes slowly, my whole bedroom is spinning, I shut them again and groan.

"Why do I drink so much" I roll over and feel someone beside me.

I open one eye and see a mass of unruly brown hair.

"Danieeelllll" I tap his face repeatedly. "Why did you let me drink"

"Shhhhh, back to sleep, too early to talk" he mumbles at me.

I slowly sit up and check my phone. "It's actually 1.34pm"

Looking around the room is like looking at a bomb site. There are empty beer bottles and cans everywhere, Dominos boxes with half eaten pizzas and at least two spilt ashtrays. If this is what my bedroom looks like, I don't want to see the rest of the house.

I rub my eyes and look over at Dan.
He's lying beside me in his boxers and a t shirt. He looks up at me and pulls me back down beside him.

"Thanks for coming last night, couldn't have done it without you" he puts his arm around me.

I cuddle into him. "Yes you could have. But don't sweat it. You know I'll go to every gig you ever play"

He pulls the duvet over us and I turn to face him. "I'm really proud of you Dan, you know that, right?"

"Thanks Ems. But I'm more proud of you for telling Sarah where to go" he laughs quietly.

"What do you mean?" I pull back from him a little.

"You don't remember?"

"I don't remember a lot of what happened after the gig if I'm honest"

He runs his hand through his hair. He looks adorable in the morning. "Well, I broke up with her"

"Wait why?!"

"Because I saw her when I pulled you up on stage. Acting like a bitch with her friends. Why would I want a girlfriend who doesn't like the most important person in my life?"

I smile a little at him. "Took you long enough though didn't it?"

"Yeah well she was good at hiding the fact that she hated you in front of me" he laughs and squeezes me a little. "So anyway she thought she'd try to have a go at me, but you just snapped at her. Obviously went into protective friend mode"

"Yeah... friend mode" I mutter.

"Thanks. For sticking up for me" he kisses my forehead.

"No problem. My head hurts, real bad. I'm going back to sleep for a while" I turn away from him and close my eyes.

After a few minutes, he whispers "I love you" and I think to myself, I love you too Daniel Smith... just not in the same way.

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