Chapter Twenty Seven - Bad News

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When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I hear is loud talking from the living room.

Dan isn't beside me, but I can smell bacon, he must be in the kitchen.

Instead of just wandering round in my underwear and t shirt, I decide to get dressed, since we have company and all.

I grab Dans Ghostbusters t shirt from the floor and pull it on along with a pair of black leggings. I pull my hair up into a messy bun and wipe the smudged black eyeliner from under my eyes. After brushing my teeth quickly I decide I'm decent enough to be seen.

I make my way out of my bedroom and into the living room to see all of the band sitting on the sofas, except for Dan, who's chosen to sit on the kitchen counter while he's cooking.

"Morning guys" I say sleepily as I make my way over to Dan.
I move myself in between his legs and have to stand on my tiptoes to kiss him.

"Morningggg!" They all chime back at me. They're far too happy for this time of the morning.

"Hey" Dan smiles and returns my kiss. He seems nervous.

"Has the guy phoned yet?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Dude you told her! I thought this was a secret!" exclaims Will.

"I had to tell her" Dan rolls his eyes "It's not like she's going to tell anyone else"

He turns his attention back to me. "He hasn't called yet, but pancakes and bacon seemed like a good way to pass the time. Grab a plate"

I pull a plate out of the cupboard and grab some breakfast. Dan hands me a cup of coffee and I leave him to finish cooking and join the other guys on the sofa.

"Are you nervous?" I ask between bites of my pancakes.

Woody doesn't say anything, which I take as a yes.

"It's pretty nerve wracking waiting on the call, you know?" says Will.

"Are you nervous babe?" Kyle pipes up "Your boyfriend could be a global superstar soon"

I laugh "Why would that make me nervous? He'll be able to introduce me to attractive Hollywood men!" I joke.

"Uh, I heard that" Dan sits next to me, his plate piled high with food.

"I'm joking" I give him a peck on the cheek "You know I only have eyes for you"

I can hear the other guys making vomiting noises. Kyle is closest to me so I jokingly hit his arm.

"Daniel! Control your woman!" he shouts, holding the spot where I hit him.

"Mate I can't, if you think you can control her then by all means, give it a shot"

"Heyyyy! I don't need controlling!" I pout.

This teasing carries on in between us all stuffing our faces for another 20 minutes or so.

Kyle questions me about last night which Dan then explains to everyone.

They all agree that Sarah is bad news and that we should all do our best to avoid her.

The fact that they all agree, gets rid of any remaining doubts I had about whether or not Dan was telling me the truth.

The conversation continues until Dans phone starts to ring.

He throws his plate onto the coffee table, grabs his phone and stares at it for a second.

The nerves are killing me at this point so I hit the answer button.

He puts his phone to his ear...


We can't hear the other side of the conversation, but there's a lot of nodding and 'Uh huh's and 'Yeah's coming from Dan.

"Yeah, thanks for letting me know" he slowly takes the phone away from his ear and ends the call.

He sets the phone on the sofa beside him.

"You guys... we have a record deal!"

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