Chapter Twenty Two - Boyfriend

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After a minute or two, I pull away from the kiss.

"I love you too, by the way" I smile at him.

"Oh... didn't think you heard that bit" he shuffles his feet nervously and smiles back.

"This has been the best day Dan, thank you" I slip my arms round his waist and he wraps his jacket around me.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it" he rests his head on top of mine.

It's weird to think that a few weeks ago we were just friends living with each other and now we're like this. Weird, but really amazing.

"We have a gig tomorrow night, are you coming?"

"Do you even really need to ask?" I laugh "I'll be front row as usual, though I might fan girl a bit now that it's my boyfriend on stage" I pause. Shit. Boyfriend, I haven't used that word yet. I pull back a little and look up at him to see him grinning broadly.

"Boyfriend? Is that what I am now?" he kisses the tip of my nose.

"Alright Daniel don't make a big deal of it or anything" I roll my eyes jokingly.

"I've never had my girlfriend fan girling at one of my gigs before" he chuckles "I'm looking forward to it"

The rain finally stops. I pull away from him and take his hand.

"I think we should make a break for it now, while its not raining"

"Sounds like a good idea. I had planned to take you for dinner once we were done here..." he plays with his hair with his free hand "But I think we're a bit too wet to go out anywhere else now"

"That's fine" we walk towards the exit, "We can always call a take away and mooch around in sweatpants watching Netflix all night" and I mean it. I don't care what I do with him, it's always fun.


Once we're home Dan gets the food ordered and we both get changed out of our wet clothes and into something more comfortable.

After about 20 minutes of arguing about what to watch, the doorbell rings, interrupting us.

I go to pay the delivery guy and come back with the food.

We decide on watching Jurassic Park, because you can't go wrong with dinosaurs causing havoc, can you?

When the movie is over we continue to lie on the sofa, Dans arms wrapped around me and my head resting on his chest.

"Did you really mean the boyfriend thing? Like... you don't think we should wait?" he says all of a sudden.

"What? No! Why, do you?" I tilt my head up so I can see his face.

"No! I just... well I don't want you to say it just for me, I mean, if you're still mad at-"

I stop him with a quick kiss on the lips. "I mean it. I'm not mad at you"

He sits up and pulls me with him. Then he kisses me back, but with a lot more passion.

The butterflies in my stomach seem to wake up and I feel the need to be as close to him as I can be.

Without breaking the kiss I move myself onto his lap, with my legs either side of him.

He moves a hand to my lower back and pulls me closer.

I feel breathless, but nothing is taking me away from this moment, not even the need for oxygen.

Dan grabs a hold of my legs and stands up, lifting me with him.

He stumbles slightly and I smile into the kiss.

"Don't laugh at me" he's barely pulled away from me.

"Watch you don't trip there Daniel" I tease.

"Right, that's it. You're in trouble now"

"Nooo!" I giggle loudly and try to get down.

"Nope, no escaping" he says and kisses me again, as he carries me towards his bedroom.

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