Chapter Four - But I Cant (Pt One)

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Dans POV

I run a hand through my hair. I've been sitting here scribbling away at lyrics for the best part of three hours.

I feel like I'm getting nowhere. With a quick glance over to the bed, I wonder if I should wake Emily up. It's almost 5pm, but she just looks so peaceful.

And really cute.

I shake my head and turn my attention back to the paper in front of me.

"I need a coffee" I say out loud to myself. So I get up and pad my way to the kitchen.

I grab a mug and stick the kettle on and lean against the counter, waiting for it to boil.

I hear movement from the bedroom and 30 seconds later Emily wanders into the kitchen.

She has the duvet wrapped around her and her hair is all over the place.

My God she looks good, even with a hangover, I think to myself. But I snap out of it quickly. Best friend Dan, she's your best friend, you live with her, don't make this weird.

"Do you want a coffee?" I ask, pointing towards the kettle.

"No thanks. What I need is a hug and a good fry up" she rubs her eyes and smiles at me.

"Well I'm no good with cooking, unless you want the house to burn to the ground" I chuckle "But I'm always good for a hug" I say, holding my arms out.

She immediately shuffles towards me and wraps her arms and the duvet around me.

I rest my head on hers. She smells like coconut and that sugary perfume she wears. I close my eyes and hug her tight, not wanting to let go.

The click of the kettle interupts my thoughts, letting me know that it's finished boiling. So I take a step back from Emily to make the coffee, but to my surprise she pulls me back.

"Not yet" she says quietly "I still feel a bit delicate"

I laugh and we resume our original position.

I could hold her like this forever, I think.

I wish I could tell her how I feel, but I just can't.

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