Chapter Fourty One - Emily Loves Dan

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Kyles POV

You know what. I think I do like her. Emily that is. I mean, we get on so well, I think if she didn't love Dan she might like me too.

But that's the problem. She does like Dan. No wait, she doesn't like him. Emily loves Dan.

Why am I feeling this? Fuck sake Kyle! I shout internally to myself.

This is so messed up. I can't like my best friends girlfriend, everything about this is wrong.

She's so amazing though. She's funny, caring, just an awesome person all around.

NO! I tell myself this can't happen. I can't feel like this.

I imagine how hurt Dan would be if be found out about any of this and it stops my thoughts about her almost instantly.

I definitely value my friendship with him too much to even chance my arm with this.

I can hear them from my bunk.

Him saying he's sorry. Her saying she loves him. Do they mean these things?

It doesn't matter. I can't come between them. It'd be the ultimate betrayal.

As a guy, you don't even kiss someone that your friend thinks is fit. But I've done worse, I've kissed someone that my friend is completely and utterly in love with.

He's always loved her.

I hear Emily tell Dan that she's off for a nap. Right. I decide, I need to tell him this, or the guilt might kill me.

When I hear Emily leave I climb out of my bunk.

I shuffle into the lounge area and sit facing Dan.

"Mate..." my hands start to shake, "I need to talk to you"

"What's up?" he looks up from the notebook he's busy scribbling away in.

"I need to talk to you about something, but I need you to not be angry about it"

"Right..." he says and sets his notepad beside him. "Kyle what's going on?" he can obviously sense the serious tone in my voice.

"So...l" Oh shit, am I really going to do this?! "I kissed Emily.."

He doesn't say anything. He just stares at me. He looks angry.

"I'm sorry, you did what?"

"I kissed Emily"

"Why the FUCK would you kiss my girlfriend?"

"Dan I'm sorry. I don't know what happened"

"No Kyle, let me tell you what's happening here. I've been pissy with her, do you know why?"

I shake my head in response, but I don't look at him.

"I've been pissy with her Kyle, because I love her, because I love her more every single day... and because that makes me more nervous than anything. Because after this tour was out of the way I was going to propose to her"

I stare blankly at him. "Dan.."

He doesn't let me speak.

"So what you're telling me now, is that you've gone and decided you like the one girl I've ever loved?"

"Shit mate. I didn't realise it was this serious"

Stupid thing to say really.

"You didn't realise?! After four years of me telling you that I love her. You didn't realise how I felt about her?!"

He stands up. Dans not a short guy, he towers over me and I feel slightly intimidated.

"Do you like her?" he asks sternly.

"No" I lie. Of course I like her. But how can I tell him this now.
I should never have mentioned this in the first place.

"Not at all?" his face says he doesn't believe me.

"Not at all mate, I just got caught up in the moment"

"What moment was this?"

I tell him about going out, being on the trampolines, our conversations.

"Stay away from her Kyle"

"I know... I will, I promise. I'm so sorry mate, I just didn't realise it was so serious."

"Whatever Kyle, you knew. You were the only one who always knew. Fuck you"

He gets up and storms off towards the bunks.

Shit. He's going to tell her that I told him, I hadn't thought that far ahead. I know she's going to tell him it was nothing, but that doesn't stop me panicking about all of this.

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