Chapter Twelve - This Is Typical

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I can feel the tears coming as I storm down the street, but I blink them away. I refuse to cry over this.

"Em! EMILY!" I can hear Dan calling me but I just keep walking.

"Leave her alone Dan, you can talk later" I hear Chloe say from behind me. "You should probably stay with Kyle, you're too drunk to have this conversation tonight"

"Chloe Im going home, I need to be on my own right now"

She opens her mouth to protest but I run down the stairs to the underground tube platform and jump on the next train home.

It's freezing when I get back up to ground level and it's started to rain unbelievably heavily. This is typical. Obviously everything's going to go wrong now.

By the time I make the 10 minute walk to the house, I'm absolutely drenched.

At this point I'm incapable of holding the tears back, so I just let go, who even could tell anyway?

The rain is running down my face. My hair is wet and stuck to my face and my clothes are absolutely soaked through.

I fumble with my keys and have to steady my shaking hand before Im able to unlock the door.

The door slams shut behind me as I make my way to Dans bedroom.

I know he's the reason I'm pissed off, but he's also the one person who makes me feel better and since he's already been told to stay at Kyles? What harm am I going to do here.

I peel off my wet clothes, throw them into the corner of his room and rifle through his drawers. I find a clean To Kill A King t shirt and a pair of his black boxers and pull them on. God it's cold in here.

I pull my long black hair back into the best ponytail I can manage and crawl into his bed.

It smells so good, just like he smells. I pull the duvet right up to my chin and bury my face in his pillow.

This makes me start to cry again. Good lord I must look terrible, there's no way my mascara has survived all this, it must be half way down my face.

As I think about everything that I witnessed tonight, I realise how tired I actually am and I drift off into a light sleep, still clinging to the pillow for comfort.

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