Chapter Twenty - Tiger Cubs

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"Go away" I pull the duvet over my head.

He crawls under too and hugs me tight. "It's time to wake up sleepy head"

"Nooo Dan I don't wanna" I groan sleepily.

We sat up until 6am watching Twin Peaks on Netflix. I reach out from under the duvet and feel around for my phone. I grab it and check the time. 11.27am.

"It's too early to wake up" I turn around to face Dan and cuddle into him. He's been smoking this morning. He only does it when he's really nervous. I'd hate the smell of it off anyone else, but it's like his signature scent, the way it mixes with the smell of his aftershave. I take a deep breath and smile.

"But I have a date planned, so I need you to get up and get dressed" he replies, resting his chin on my head.

"Can we not just have a date right here? This already feels like the best date ever"

"No! Up!" he demands, pulling the duvet off me.

I rub my eyes and pretend to huff as I stand up.
"Fine" I say. "But get out while I get changed"

He stands up too and pouts at me, but I push him out the door.

I take a quick look in the mirror and decide that I can probably do without make up today, so I just quickly apply some mascara and black eyeshadow.

I run into the bathroom and brush my teeth before quickly grabbing whatever clothes I can find.

The usual black skinny jeans and band tee combo is what I end up going for. After I run a brush through my hair I decide Im finished. I pull on my black Doc Martens and head out to the living room.

"Beautiful" grins Dan.

"Oh shut up" I say, hitting him lightly on the arm. But I can feel myself blushing slightly.

It's weird having our feelings out in the air, normally I never would've reacted like this to a compliment from him.

"Where are we going anyway?"

"I thought we could start with a trip to the zoo?" he almost asks me instead of telling me. "There's some new tiger cubs that are having their first day out... thought you might like that"

"My favourite!" I squeal in excitement.

He's wearing his denim jacket, damn, I wanted that. So I quickly run into his room and grab his grey wolf hoody and pull it on.

"Okay" I re enter the living room. "I'm ready"

"Stop stealing all of my clothes!" he grabs me and tickles me.

"DANIEL STOP IT RIGHT NOW!" I try to wriggle away from him but it's not happening. "Stop you'll make me cry!"

He lets go of me and grabs my hand. "Right, let's go!" he says, marching me out the door.

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