Chapter Fourteen - Freaked Out

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Dans POV

Wow. My head hurts. I open my eyes and see a mass of black hair in front of me.

Shit. Emily.

She's cuddled right into me, our legs are tangled together and my arm is wrapped tightly around her. This would normally be perfect, but then I think back.

The events of last night start coming back to me in pieces. Talking to the boys about Emily, that blonde girl, being shouted at by Chloe.

Oh my God, I'm a dick.

I'd met the rest of the band at the bar about 10pm. They'd talked to me about Emily and how it was a really great thing that she liked me, because apparently we're perfect for each other.

But the more I drank, the more freaked out I got about the idea.

I just remember thinking about the other guys she's been out with, they're all leather jacket wearing, tattooed men who listen to metal.

Why, why would she choose me when it would be so easy for her to get someone else like that?

I'm already a nervous wreck when it comes to any normal girl.

But that's not what Emily is to me.

She's beautiful, funny, amazing... but then she's also my best friend, which also scared me.

I kept thinking, but what if I do something to mess it up? And she moves out... and we don't speak anymore.

Well, I've managed to mess it up now.

I don't remember a lot of the conversation we had last night, but in the state I was in? I must've said something stupid.

She's still here though, in my clothes, in my bed, with me, so I must've said something right.

What's going to happen when she wakes up? The anticipation is killing me. Time to take the plunge I think.

I squeeze her side gently, she stirs slowly and turns around.

Here goes nothing...


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