Chapter Nine - Face To Face

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Dans POV

I open my eyes slowly and take in my surroundings.

Still in Emilys room.

My face is buried in her hair. It smells like bubblegum, I inhale deeply.

She stirs slightly and I wonder if she's pretending to be sleeping.

I have my arm wrapped around her waist, so I pull her a little closer to me. "Emily?" I whisper, not wanting to wake her if she is still asleep.

Silence. Just as Im about to close my eyes though...

"Yes Daniel?" she says quietly. But she doesn't turn to face me.

"Sorry If I woke you" I start to pull my arm away.

"You didn't" she grabs my arm "And don't you dare move, I'm so comfortable"

I laugh quietly and cuddle into her.

I hear her sigh, she sounds happy though. "Ems?"


"Are we going to talk about last night?"

She turns around so we're face to face. "I guess so... I mean, I enjoyed it. And Chloe wasn't just winding me up so I'm not really sure what to say. In fact I was kind of hoping that whatever I wanted to say was going to be obvious and that you'd just say something because well... you haven't said anything"

I laugh a little and put my hand over her mouth "Oh my god, shut up, you really do just waffle on when your nervous"

I can feel her smile against my hand, so I move it back to her waist.

"I don't really know what you want me to say here, but I wouldn't have kissed you if I didn't want to"

She looks slightly surprised "So you did want to kiss me?!"

"Of course"

"But then what about Sarah and we live together and Dan, we're best friends isn't this weird?"

"Well that's exactly why Sarah happened" I chuckle "Because we're best friends and we live together Em. You can't tell me you haven't thought about it and thought it would be weird as hell"

"Yeah I guess so..." she looks a little sad "...but do you like me?"

"No, I crawled into your bed last night to kiss you and sleep beside you because I really don't like you" I roll my eyes, but with a cheeky grin.

"Oh shut up Daniel" she hits my arm lightly.

"Look, I'm gonna go get us some breakfast here. I'll be back soon" Without even thinking I kiss her quickly on the lips before getting out of the bed and leaving the room.

Shit, was that weird?

I get changed in my own room and head out the door, not even really thinking about breakfast, but about what just happened.

I take my phone out and text Kyle, my band mate. I think a boys night out is needed so I can talk to him about this.

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