Chapter Ten - Girl Time

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The second I hear Dan leave, I grab my phone and dial Chloes number.

"Come onnnn, pick up!" she always does this. Phones me constantly and then when I actually need her there's no answer!


Oh thank god. "Chloe he heard us last night"

"Who heard us what last night?" she mumbles. I've obviously woken her up, it's 1pm though so she really shouldn't be sleeping.

"Dan! He heard us talking about him Chloe and he came into my room after you left and he slept in my bed all night and Chloe he kissed me!"

"He did what?!" that had woken her up for sure.

"He kissed me..." I repeat it both for her benefit and mine.

"Oh my god that's amazing! So what's happening? Have you talked about it? Where is he now?"

"He's gone to get breakfast, god I hope he brings coffee. Yeah we talked about it, he said he likes me Chlo!"

She screams and I hold the phone away from my ear.

We talk until I hear the door opening "He's back, I'm gonna go, but let's go to Koko later, get a drink and we'll properly talk about this, love you"

I hang up the phone just as Dan comes into my room.

He always looks so handsome. He obviously didn't touch his hair before he went out because it's sticking up all over the place. He stands in the doorway wearing black skinny jeans, a black mulholland drive shirt and his denim jacket.

My God I love him.

He kicks off his white converse and sits on the end of the bed. I reach for the bag and lift out a plastic container.

"Pancakes!" Oh I love pancakes.

He laughs at me and grabs his own food. We tuck in and it's quiet, but not awkward. We could sit in silence for hours and it would never be awkward.

I'm the first to break the quiet.

"So I'm gonna go out and meet Chloe for a drink later" I say with a mouthful of food.

"You mean you're going to meet Chloe to gossip about me?" he asked with a smirk.

"Well basically yeah, but we're girls Daniel, that's what we do" I giggle.

"Well I'm going to meet Kyle and the boys anyway, there'll be no gossiping, just getting wasted"

I roll my eyes. "We can meet up and get the tube home though, right? You know I hate coming home at that time on my own"

"Course we can"

We sit there and talk for a few hours before I hear a knock on the door and realise it's Chloe.

"Shit! When did it get to 8pm?!" I stand up and pull him off the bed.

"Out, Smith, it's girl time"

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