Quick update

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Hey guys,

I just wanted to let you all know that I'm gonna be a bit slower at updating since I'm back to work now.

I'll try and get a new chapter up once every two days and if I don't manage that I'll do my best to update a couple at a time on my days off.

Thank you so much for your comments/votes on this story.

I know it's a bit slow moving but that's the way I'd planned it to be. I want to keep this going for a while because I'm really enjoying writing it and getting your feedback.

I just wanna say thanks to siennn, DigUpYourFlaws and Sevendates in particular.

The three of you vote every chapter almost as soon as its up and there's always a lovely comment from at least one of you every time I update.

I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate it :) and I'm super glad you're enjoying this.

I genuinely can't believe I've gotten to over 500 reads, which is nothing compared to the other stories on here but it's amazing for me to think that people are reading what I'm writing!

Anyway, I'll have at least one new chapter up in the next 24 hours, although I'm hoping to have two or three if I can manage it.


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