Chapter Six - Just Emily

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'What do you mean you didn't tell him!' Chloe screeches at me.

'Shhhhh, don't be so loud, my head still hurts' I pull my duvet over my head.

She pulls it back off me straight away.

'If you don't tell him you love him, how will he ever know?!' she exclaims.

'Chloe, shut UP! He'll hear you, he's only in the next room'

'Good! If he hears me then at least he'll know'

'If I wanted him to know then I would tell him' I sigh.

'That's the biggest lie I've ever heard. Of course you want him to know, how could you not? You're perfect for each other'

Chloe rambles. A lot. She just starts talking and doesn't stop, I can't deal with it today.

There's a knock on the door and Dan pops his head in. 'If you two are quite finished shouting at each other, then you might want to know that I ordered take out and it's in the living room for you'

'Thanks Dan' I smile 'Be out in a sec'

He closes the door and I can hear him walking back to the lounge.

'If he heard you, you're dead' I scold Chloe as I stand up and pull my hoody on.

'Whatever' she gets up and skips her way out the door, in the direction of the food.

She's right though, obviously she is, I want him to know.

But how can I tell him something like this without completely ruining everything me and Dan already have.

I mean, he JUST, broke up with his girlfriend and how do I even know he's interested in me at all? He's not though. I'm just Emily, the best friend and that's all I think I'll ever be to him.

I walk out of my room and head to join them. Chloes already sitting cross legged on the floor with a Chinese carton in front of her, lowering noodles into her mouth with a pair of chopsticks.

I laugh quietly, 'Such an attractive eater, aren't you'

'Shut up' she says with a mouth full of food, she doesn't even take her eyes off the screen.

Dan though, I felt his eyes follow me from the second I walked in the room.

I throw myself down on the sofa beside him and grab a carton.

'Watcha get me?' I ask, opening the box.

'The usual' He's still watching me. I look at him and give a little half smile.

'Everything okay?' I reach for the last pair of chopsticks.

'Yep... just, thinking' his gaze finally leaves me and he stares, a little blankly at the TV screen, which Chloe is still glued to.

I can see her dropping noodles onto her jeans and then picking them off and eating them. She's so gross.

I watch Dan for a second, something seems wrong with him, I'm just not sure what.

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