Chapter Thirteen - Drunk And Scared

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I'm not really sure how long I've been asleep for, but when I wake up I can definitely hear movement.

Is it morning? I grab my phone and check 4.18am. I've only been sleeping for about 2 hours.

I hear a smash from the kitchen. That's definitely Dan. He has this terrible habit of breaking all of our plates, bowls, mugs, just anything, when he comes home drunk.

I put my phone down and panic for a moment. What do I do? Do I stay here or try to sneak back to my own room without him noticing?

"EMILY" he calls "I need to speak to you now please" I hear him knocking my door. He sounds very drunk.

I close my eyes and pull his duvet tight around me. I'll just pretend to be asleep.

He sighs loudly and pushes the door of his own room open and stands in the doorway. "Emily?" he tries to whisper "Emily?!"

When I don't answer, I hear him undress. I know this is what he's doing because I can hear him shaking the dresser every time he leans on it for balance.

"Stupid shoe" he murmurs and throws it across the room.

It hits a picture on the wall, which falls and I hear the glass smash.

After another few minutes of this destruction, Dan climbs into the bed and immediately wraps his arms around me.

I allow him to do it. Yes I'm upset and it's entirely because of him, but just lying here in his arms, I feel better already.

He starts whispering, as best as he can, to me. "Emily, I'm very sorry that you saw the blonde chick" he slurs "I don't even know what her name is I just got scared because they told me to only kiss you and I thought you didn't want to so I let her kiss me and then I drank some more and then you showed up and then..." he makes an explosion noise to indicate how badly this night had gone.

I couldn't help myself at this point. I turn to face him and avoid looking him in the eyes. If I look him in the eyes then my heart might just melt.

"You thought I didn't want to Dan?! Seriously? I told you yesterday how I felt and you still thought I didn't want to?"

"I don't look like the other guys you like" he mumbles and I glance at him only to see him looking genuinely a bit sad.

"That's because the other guys I like are douche bags, haven't you ever noticed that?" I sigh.

It was true. I'm a typical girl, always going for the 'bad boy' type. But not with Dan.

"I love how sweet you are. I love how funny and kind and caring you are. I even love how nervous you get when you do... well, anything!"

He doesn't say anything. He just stares at me.

"So what I don't understand is why you would go and paw at some girl in a bar when I TOLD you that I like you, I thought you liked me? Did you just say it because you got caught up in the moment?!"

"No Emily I swear! I love you I mean it" he runs a hand through his messy, wet hair. "I just got drunk and scared that you didn't really like me and then it just happened"

I stare at him with my mouth open.

"I'm sorry!" he's starting to sound desperate now.

"Did you just tell me that you love me?" I break my silence.

"Umm... I don't know, did I? Maybe... sorry"

"Do you though?"

"Do I what?"

"Do you love me?"

"I mean, I guess if you want an honest answer then I've loved you since I first knew what love was" he laughs a little, I know it's because he's nervous.

"I love you too..."

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