Chapter Seventeen - I'm Crazy

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A/N: Sorry this ones short, it's more of a filler than anything else.

Kyles POV

Almost the second Emily leaves, my phone starts to ring.

"Surprise surprise" I say quietly to myself before answering.

"Dan, my man. What can I do you for?"

He wants to meet me for coffee. I don't understand why these two cant see they're perfect for each other. They have almost exactly the same thought process about everything.

"Just sitting in Starbucks man. Head on down. I'll grab you a coffee"

I walk to the counter and grab two coffees and head back to the table.

Time to check Twitter I think.

Our music isn't massively popular, I mean we don't even have an album out. Still, people from all over the UK have been watching our live stuff on YouTube so we get a fair amount of tweets telling us to come to certain places to play.

I respond to a few people to tell them we're planning a little tour around the UK for later in the year. I also manage to find time to post at least five cat memes, which all made me laugh out loud.

There are a few old ladies sitting beside me who must think I'm crazy.

Dan walks in about 20 minutes after he phoned me.
He spots me at the back and makes his way down.

I hand him his coffee.

Here we go again...

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