Chapter Thirty Four - Dublin

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Dan's POV

It's finally here!

It took us an hour to get ourselves sorted this morning, needless to say the bus driver was not amused with us.

But here we are, all aboard and on route to Dublin for the first night of tour. It's a bit of a drive to Liverpool and then three hours on the ferry and we make it to Ireland without killing each other.

Good first day.

The bus drops us at the venue, the Olympia theatre and we head inside to take a look around. It's a nice venue, but my stomach is rumbling and all I can think about is food.

Kyle suggests going for a walk so we can find somewhere to eat. After 15 minutes of walking past places and arguing about whether or not to go in, we settle on a little American diner called Eddie Rockets.

We all head in and grab the long booth that stretches the back wall of the place. Emily slides in and sits at the end, so I follow and Kyle jumps in after me.

"Don't leave me Daniel" he grips my arm and clings on, causing me to laugh out loud.

Will, Woody and Chrissy sit facing us and we all start looking through the menu.

"Bacon cheese fries!" shouts Kyle, followed by "Bacon cheese burger!"

The waitress comes over and asks if we're ready to order.

"Sure, can Kyle here have a plate of bacon and cheese please?"

"Shut up Dan. No but I'd like bacon cheese fries and a bacon cheese burger and also two chocolate milkshakes please"

I shake my head and laugh. The rest of us order and we sit and chat while we wait for our food.

Conversation turns to tonight and I feel the nerves creeping in. As if she can tell, Emily reaches under the table and squeezes my leg. She kisses my cheek and I turn my head to look at her.

She smiles at me "Don't worry"

I smile back. "I know, I won't, it's going to be great, right?"

She nods in response and kisses me again.

"Can you two stop?! Seriously?! I'm trying to eat here!" says Kyle, who's just had his mountain of food put in front of him.

"Why did you need two milkshakes?"

"Because DANIEL IM THIRSTY" he says as he picks one of them up "Would you like to continue criticising my diet or are you quite finished?"

"No Kyle I'm done, you can calm down now and drown yourself in chocolate" I chuckle.

We get back to small talk while we eat and I glance over at Woody and Chrissy every so often. I'm glad they're getting on, Woodys a great guy and she's definitely going to be good for him, they share so many things in common.

"Cute. aren't they" Emily whispers to me.

"I was just thinking that"

Once we've finished eating the waitress drops the bill on the table. I'm the first to grab it and me and Kyle make our way to the counter to pay.

"Daniel get back here so I can give you money!" Emily shouts after me, but I stick my fingers in my ears and pretend not to hear her.

"Right! We've got 2 hours before we have to be back at the venue, what does everyone want to do?" I ask as we get back to the table.

"Pub?" says Will

"Pub?" and Kyle

"Pub?" and Emily.

"Pub it is then!"

Lucky for us our venue is in the Temple Bar area of Dublin which is packed the pubs, we end up in one called Bad Bobs which is actually a really cool little place. It's literally at the bottom of the street that the venue is in.

We pick a table outside, since it's actually pretty warm today and Kyle and Woody go to get drinks.

As we're sitting there we watch people walking past and hear them talking about the show. A few of them notice me and Will and come over to ask us to sign a few things. This is the weirdest thing.

"Are they your girlfriends?" one, fairly young, girl asks us.

Will and Chrissy just laugh and shake their heads.

"Uh..." I glance at Emily and she smiles. The girl obviously notices this before I can answer and runs off after her friends "Oh my god you guys he has a girlfriend! So unfair!"

I run my hand through my hair and Emily laughs. "Seems you're a popular man these days Mr Smith. Should I be worried?"

"What?! No! Of course not!"

"Calm down... I'm joking" she rolls her eyes.

Kyle and Woody come back to the table with two trays of pints and shots.

Kyle sets his tray of shots on the table and passes them to us all.
"Well everyone! Cheers to first night of tour!"

We are full of stories to be toldOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant