Chapter Nineteen - Twin Peaks

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A/N: Over 400 reads >.< you guys make me so happy!


When I get home I head straight to Dans room. I knock the door.

"Dan?" I call. "Are you in there?"

No answer.

I open the door. Nope, not here. The bathroom doors open, so he's not in there... I check my own room but still no Dan. I sigh.

"Suppose I'll just have to amuse myself til he's home" I mumble.

I shuffle into the kitchen and stick the kettle on. While its boiling I set Netflix up on the TV.

I'm feeling a strong urge to watch Twin Peaks but if Dan walks in while its on, I'll never get his attention.

The kettle clicks to signal the water is boiled, so I make a cup of coffee and settle myself on the sofa.

I decide on some crappy chick flick film, because I'm not really going to pay attention to it, I just need to pass the time.

I sip at my coffee and find myself more involved in the movie than I anticipated I would be.

The main character has been through all sorts of hell, but you can predict that at the end she's going to realise that she's in love with her best friend.

I laugh out loud. Typical.

About an hour after I get home I hear a key in the front door. Shit. He's home.

Dan walks into the room. His hair is all over the place and he has his glasses on. I love when he wears those glasses. He looks so good.

"I was looking for that!" he says, pointing at his denim jacket, that I've left slung over a chair in the corner.

"Sorry" I say. He sits cross legged on the sofa next to me. He shuffles himself around so he's facing me.

"I borrowed it because I went to meet Kyle and my jacket was in your room... I didn't want to wake you"

"You went to meet Kyle?" he asks, raising an eyebrow slightly.

"Yeahh? Why?" I say, shifting round to face him.

"Because I went to meet Kyle..."

I laugh. "Does this mean we went to speak to Kyle about the same thing?"

"Well... if we did, does this mean Kyle gave us both the same advice?" he starts to play with his shoelaces.

"Dan..." he doesn't look up.

"DAN" I repeat, louder.

His head snaps up and his eyes meet mine.

I breathe in deeply "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being such a bitch, I know I had no rig-"

"Wait" he cuts me off mid sentence.

"I'm sorry. I mean it. You don't need to be sorry. You reacted the way any normal person would react. I on the other hand, reacted ridiculously badly to finding out that you liked me. Who does that? Finds out that the person they've liked forever likes them back and then goes and gets with someone else when they're drunk? I'm so stupid Emily"

I stare at him for a minute. "Yeah you are... lucky for you Dan, I already love you as a best friend and that'll never change. So I can forgive you. And I'm not sorry for being upset, but I am sorry for over reacting."

"I promise I won't ever do anything to hurt you ever again Ems" he's turned his attention back to his shoes.

"Well I'm glad to hear it, because I don't ever want to feel like that again. You're the one that always makes everything better, not the one that upsets me" I reach over and grab his hand.

He squeezes my hand and runs his free hand through his hair.

"Look after talking to Kyle I realised... I love you being my best friend and my room mate, but it's not enough..."

I nod slightly, but don't say anything.

He raises his eyes to meet mine.

"So I've been thinking... will you go out with me? Like... on a date or something?"

"Or something?" I smile a little.

"Okay okay, will you go on a date with me?" he says, this time a little more confidently.

"Dan, nothing would make me happier than going on a date with you" I grin at him and he kisses my cheek.

"Now" he says as he turns to face the TV and slips his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into him, "Can we watch Twin Peaks?"

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