#30- Departed For GOOD

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At the middle of the night while I was awoken from a nightmare I was having, I jumped up shaking my head. A drip of sweat dropping on the palms of my hands. It wasn’t like any usual monster nightmare. It was a nightmare of my future. That being, my future without Tyler. I shook my head, it was just a dream. I’m sure Tyler would get over what happened, I mean she can’t stay mad at me for long. Especially not after that song I remixed just for her. I’m sure of that.

On my nightstand my phone vibrated agasint the wood making a buzzing sound. My head snapped across to the nightstand and I cracked my neck and leaned over to get my phone. One new message it displayed across my screen. I unlocked my phone, smiling at the wallpaper I had, and I headed straight to my messages. It was from Tyler.

My face shifted, it was a pretty long message. After having that slight argument with her I didn’t know what to expect. Maybe she was saying she understands. Tyler was a pretty reasonable person, and I respect her for that. However, the words, ‘we need to talk’ scares me. Its placed right in the beginning of the sentence.

Jake, we need to talk. I don’t know how to say this. When I first saw you in middle school. I could swear you were my prince charming. Everyone else didn’t taking in a black girl like myself, and you did. And so did my band. But there was something about you that was intriguing. I knew I liked you, and it seemed you like me too. But of course Amanda came along, and became your girlfriend throughout high school, and then there was just me your best friend. And I guess I don’t have to say the rest. You know how I feel about you, and the fact that you didn’t show up at my departure, nor did you call me , and when you did you give me terrible news just shows the fact that our relationship isn’t important. If you really cared, when I scrolled down my phone log your name would be there ten million times. It isn’t. And its sad. What I’m getting at is I’ve been thinking, maybe we should give each other a break. I’m on the other side of the country on a different ocean, and I don’t think it’s going work out well. I think if we end it now we would hurt each other and then break our friendship. I just want to work on my career. I think our friendship is worth more than anything, so I’m sorry to say Jake; I’m breaking up with you. I wish you all the best, have fun, and do things and just have fun. I’m really sorry, and I even though I’ve come to this decision I still love you, and you’d always be my first love. Bye.’


It took me a while to process what Tyler had said to me. I through my head back into my pillow running my hands thrpugh my hair. What have I done? I don’t care, my heart broke so many times. I’ve work so hard to gain Tyler, and then as soon as we are at the brink, I’m pushed back down to almost a zero. I should of NEVER listened to Lulu. Lulu is happy right now with Jason. Is she really serious. Should I reply begging? Nah, that’ll get me no where with her. I just can’t believe this. I closed my eyes. Falling back to sleep with tears on my cheek (I don’t care. I love her.) that nightmare that I was having didn’t seem so scary now. Why? Because I was living it.

Even though my  heart was broken my parents still told me I had to go to school. I didn’t even care about looking good anymore. I through on a Hollister shirt and a pair of jeans and my converses. I didn’t even style my hair which was a first. Because, Jake always does his hair. I wasn’t in the mood. I walked my butt to school, and I was suppose to wait for Jason. Nope. I left. I trudged myself to school. It was sunny but the sky seem grey. The weather was getting better, and soon spring would be here. Whatever.

I had nothing on my mind.

Nothing at all.

When I got into school, I greeted no one and I headed straight my locker. I just didn’t need people sweating and bothering me today. I wasn’t in the mood. Second time I said it. I hope people understood. I opened my locker and there popped Amanda. I glared at her. She smiled and flipped her hair back. I turned around and walked to opposite way towards the lunchroom to get break fast. She followed me sadly.

“Hey Jake.” She said running up next to me with a bright smile, “I heard you entered a contest with your band. I hope you win. It would be great.”

“I guess.” I said speeding up.

She walked faster too, “ You look really messed up.” She said she reached for my head and I shifted blocking her hand she frowned, “Do you have a fever? Because your hair –

“OKAY.” I said finally to her. She finally shut up. God damn, she talk to damn much. Can she just not take a god damn hint.

“What’s your problem?” she said snapping at me.

I slowly turned my head to her and stopped, “You’re my god damn problem.” She was taken back and her face shifted into a frown, “Did you even deliver that letter I gave to you for Tyler? No. I knew it. You’ve been planning this. You knew Tyler was going away. So why not be nice, she’d trust you and she’d go. That kiss? Meant nothing.” I said to her throwing up my hands to my head, “Thanks to you I lost the girl of my dreams. You’ve done it so many times, and I was so foolish to think that Amanda has changed. You’re the same self centered, heartless, cold, b**** that is so unhappy with herself that she decides to ruin other peoples lives. YOU KNOW WHAT AMANDA. LEAVE ME ALONE. WE HAVE NOTHING. STOP FOLLOWING ME NOW. THANKS A LOT AND I HOPE KARMA BITES YOU IN THE BUTT. WATCH.”

I said walking away from her. That felt so good. I felt like a weight was lifted off of me as I walked away. Her mouth was hanging open. That needed to be said. She needed to be put in her place. I don’t know who she thinks she is, but I definitely know she’s nothing, nada, zilch to me.

Yeah I know pretty short P.O.V of Jake. Sigh, but next chapter will be better. Im telling you. I would love to see what you guys think? Am I dragging this story on. Hey, and I’m doing this thing were the best comment gets dedication. J Although I love all you guys comments. Trust me. Who do you want her to end up with? What do you think of Jake. Comment. Comment. Comment but don’t forget to vote.

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