#12: A taste of Fame *Gravity 56 * Part 2

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Hi Sorry Now I've been it 3 parts because I've been really busy. But I hope you like. 10 VOTES for the last part. Suprise news...that'll blow your mind.

#12: A taste of Fame

What was he doing? All the band members stopped playing as Luke jumped up on the stage with a microphone. I looked at him with confused eyes and he just smirked and jumped over trying to pump up the crowd. The crowd all of a sudden stopped booing and starting to get into the hype. Jake right now I could imagine might be feeling stupid. Well the idiot should. I sneaked a glance at him, and he just stood there holding up his guitar.

“Look that was just a test.” Luke bellowed into the microphone, “I’ll like to introduce the plague for you!”

The crowd cheered. I couldn’t believe Luke was doing this. I owed him big time. He might actually get that date after all. Hmm….that was something I had to think about.

“Tyler!” he said jumping up and down, “She own the mic….give her some lovee!” The crowd seem to cheer more for me. I couldn’t help but grin. A big grin spread throughout my face as he said that.

“Then we got Jack who be blowing It in the microphone!” The crowd cheered and I looked back at my band members in awe. They most likely owed Luke a big time aplogy.

He walked across the stage mimced a guatiar playing, “And the handsome Mr. Jake Reid.” Jake hits some strings on his guaitar and winks and all the girls in the crowd start to go crazy. Oh wow. Jake smiles.

“Kacey on her little pi-ano.” He said stressing the piano, “And last but not least ladies, Jason.” Jason of cause beats on the drums and then flexes. I smirked.

All of a sudden Luke starts scatting. He wasn’t. He wasn’t going to sing that song. I nodded at Luke who nudge me. I looked back and told my band to play on what cord, and to catch up.

Luke sang, which I never knew he could of sing, “

I couldn’t help

It was all but a dream, a dream, a dream

But woke, woke up, and hit reality

It was all but a dream. A dream

You by my side, the couple to be seen

I kiss you good bye and there you was gone

Didn’t expect to see you leaver forever

The times we spent, we shared, we loved

Kissed you on the lips, the first time I made you blush

But it was all but a dream, a dream, a dream,

But woke up, wokeup, and hit reality

It was all but a dream, a dream

It was all about you and me baby”

It was the song I wrote about Jake, and I had showed Luke. I didn’t expect him to do this. I was shy. I didn’t want Jake to find out that it was about him. Gosh, it was my part coming up. I looked up at Jake, and he smiled at me and nodded for me to go on. I sighed and I started singing slowly, “

“And I want you by my side my side

Baby never leave, cause Imma never let you go

Nothing could replace you

I ain’t leaving you, lonely, lonely

Cause baby we were mean’t to be, mean’t to be

And love in this world, is hard to find

Love with us won’t go by



And help but cry

Knowing it won’t last

All the pain, it hurts like mad

Seeing my heart fall, fall like glass

And I wish you were here to catch it.”

Luke sang alone with me as Jack sang softly in the back we sounded perfect, I  swear this was the best time ever in my life. The crowd waved there hands slowly in the air, and I smiled. They loved us. They really did. All thanks to Luke. I couldn’t believe I was actually saying this. A week ago if you told me that Luke would be my best bud and would be helping me out right now, I’d call you a big fat dirty liar. But look, he’s here, and he’s amazing.

“It was all but a dream, a dream, a dream

But woke, woke up, and hit reality

It was all but a dream. A dream

You by my side, the couple to be seen

I kiss you good bye and there you was gone

Didn’t expect to see you leaver forever

The times we spent, we shared, we loved

Kissed you on the lips, the first time I made you blush

But ti was all but a dream, a dream, a dream,

But woke up, woke up, and hit reality

It was all but a dream, a dream

It was all about you and me baby”


After when we were done I ran and jump hugged Luke as my legs wrapped around his waist. His strong arms wrapped around me, and that moment, I think I develop a crush on him. Oh gosh, why was I like this. Maybe it’s just in the moment. I jumped down and hugged the rest of my members.

“Oh my gosh we were awesome.” I said jumping around and hugging them again and again.

“I’m sorry. Luke and Tyler.” I heard Jake say softly. I looked up at him and smiled, “I’m sorry, you were really right. That crowd was tough. Thanks Luke.”

Luke slapped him and down playfully on Jake’s shoulder, “No problem Jake.”

“Um excuse me I would like the word of the leader of this band.” A man with a grey beard said.

Omg…..I can’t believe it was him.

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