#5 Dentention In Hell

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So I posted this chapter because I was extrememly happy of the growth of this story. I really want to finish it so I can spend all my time promoting. So feel free to promote. Um, don't forget to vote and comment, I dislike ghost readers but I do thank ya'll for boosting up my reads. So, yay! Here's the next chapter.

#5  Detention in hell

So much for if we played for the homecoming dance we wouldn’t be in trouble. So why was I here in detention being tortured by Ms. Dildon who was a fat lady with love handles and breast that sagged all the way down to her belly button? I felt like poking my eyes out. I looked around the room and everyone seemed as bored as me.

Jason was of course drumming on the table. It was kind of quite soothing to hear. It put me in some type of trance.

Amanda. Well Amanda was glaring a death glare at Kacey and occasionally glancing over at me. If looks could kill, I myself would be dead right now. I guess she was upset because Kacey well ripped a lock of weave (yes weave) out her head. Pooty hoo!

Kacey was smiling at the damage she done and saved the piece of hair she ripped out in a zip lock bag.

Jack didn’t have detention.  Lucky for him.

Last but not least Jake, the total complete douche’. I couldn’t help but stare at the back of his head as he sat in front of me. Wow, he had an amazing set of hair. Tyler! I quickly snapped myself out of it. Jake was a complete jerk and didn’t deserve to be complimented. But he was so- I stopped myself there, and looked back at Jason. My boyfriend. Yes.

“Now you group of misfits, just wasting my time, I could’ve been home.” She said slamming down her juice and walking towards the door, “I’ll be back gotta make a phone call.” She said opening the door, “Don’t anyone make a move.” She said finally walking out.

The room was filled with an awkward silence.

“You know we all should be friends.” Kacey said looking back at all of us, breaking the silence, “Well, all of us except Amanda.”

Amanda sneers at the comment Kacey makes.

“This is exactly what I’m talking about. You guys have no respect for Amanda.” Jake said speaking up

I scoff at him wanting to slap him in the head for his complete stupidity, “She has no respect for us!”

Amanda sneers again.

“I’m suppose to be your bestfriend!” I exclaimed angrily, “And all you do is put her on top of me and our band. She’s not even worth it. She kissed Jason right in front of your face.”


“Amanda! Shut up and let Tyler speak.” Jason snapped, “Tyler, look I’m sorry. I know I haven’t been myself lately.”

Jason smirked, “So that’s it, we’re gonna make up. And then Jake goes back and does his same crap. Around and around here we go again.”

Jake turns to Jason, “Look, we were friends for a really long time, giving it up for something stupid like Amanda is crazy.”

Amanda snaps and stands up walking over to Jake with a frown, “When did I ever become stupid?”

Jake looked back up at her, “Look.” He said, “Amanda I didn’t mean it in that way.”

“So what did you mean then?”

“I mean, I can’t just keep putting off my band for you. You know since the day we started dating that I was in the band and I had to keep my commitment.”

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