#40: Hot Valcano

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Hi, everyone I've been out for a while. SRRY. School has been crazy and my teacher husband died and a whole alot of things that made me need to chill out.

BUT I'M BACK. And I know this isn't my best chapter. And no this story is not done yet. STILL A FEW MORE TO GO THOUGH. 

            Lately, Colby seemed down. When I mean down, I mean depressed. That wasn’t helping my mood at all, and it wasn’t helping my dress rehearsal practice. Colby’s mood had overwhelmed me and every time I asked him what was wrong, he had given me a masked smile and waved me off. After practice Colby said before my break off concert he wanted to take me out for good luck. He didn’t tell me where we were going so he was knocking on my door before I could’ve even gotten ready. I skipped over to the door and opened it for him.

            “Hey.” I greeted him by leaning over and giving him a quick peck on his lips. His kisses didn’t even seem the same, “Colby, are you-

            “Are you ready?” he said interrupting me and giving me a smile smile. His brown eyes darted back and forth.

            “No not really.” I admitted, “I had no idea what I was going to wear.”

            Colby smirked, “Babe, you look fine.”

            Now that was something normal Colby would say.

            “Let’s go.” He exclaimed grabbing my hands and leading out the hotel’s door. I couldn’t believe he would even want to take me out, with me looking like this. Pause, I never cared how I looked before in New York, so why am I hooked on my appearance now? I shook my head and closed the hotel door before following Colby to his new Sedan car he had recently bought.

            Like a gentleman Colby opened up the passengers door for me before, heading to the driver door. He slumped in shaking the van and started it. I looked across to Colby who drove slowly down the L.A. road. He hadn’t said one word to me since we entered the car, and it was getting awkward so I leaned over and turned on the radio.

            My favorite throwback song had blasted through. And I couldn’t help but sing along. I started off by shaking my head, and I could see Colby staring at me.

            “With a taste of your lips I’m on a ride!” Colby sang in a girly high pitched, “ You’re toxic I’m slipping under!”

            I looked towards him and I combusted with laughter. I started moving my head side to side as I sang along with him, “No this is how you bust a Britney.” I sang, “ And I love what you do, do you know that you’re toxic?!”

            He shook his head and moved it like a turkey and turned to me with duck lips, “Thanks babe I know I’m toxic.” He says letting out a snort, “But I have to say I have the best Britney of all times.” He smiles and sings in a off pitch voice, “ With a taste of a poison paradise!”

            I began to tear up, “Yeah, you deserve an Emmy for that voice.” I said cracking up, “Britney would be offended.”

            “Don’t hate that I got a better voice than you boo!” Colby said in his most ghetto voice.

            I shook my head, “Are you trying to be ghetto because you’re failing.” I said plucking him across his nose.

            He held his nose and whined like a big baby, “Oww! My nose hurt.” He turned towards me and in the cutest voice he said, “Kwiss it fuh me.”

            I rolled my eyes and leaned over and kissed it but instead of my lips coming in contact with his the tip of his nose instead my lips smashed into his lips. I didn’t complain, and I could feel him smiling underneath. Thank god the light was on red. Colby hand  held onto my cheeks as his lips moved against mine. Soon horns were blowing off behind us and Colby finally let go from kissing me. I punched him on the arm softly, and muttered, “Slick.”

            “You liked it anyways.” He said.


L.A. was beautiful I tell you. I know, I’m from the city of skyscrapers and yes New York is one of the amazing cities out there but L.A was different. Although, I have to say I wasn’t ready for humidity that came with the package. Everyone here seemed so carefree and friendly. I had to say I was enjoying myself.

While sight seeing and enjoying the weather, everyone had declared that it was time we ate. Some friendly man had recommended Benny’s Blazin’ Burgers. After ordering and waiting for our food to come my mind had drifted off. It had drifted off to Amanda.

Out of all people, I was thinking about Amanda.

I was thinking about her face. Her white face, that seemed tanner than usual. The length of her blonde hair, and the pools of her-WHOA there. Jake, slap yourself out of it.

We’re talking about Amanda here. You should be talking about Tyler like that, not Amanda. It wasn’t anything sexual or the urge for her back, it was like a flashback of my elementary school years with her. If only she had stayed the same, maybe we would've stayed friends like before.

“So tomorrow is the big day.” I exclaimed rubbing my palms together, “Talk about how they’ve been working our butts off, and then tonight more practice.”

“I know.” Jason groaned, “I swear I’d stick a stick up one of those directors ass if they complain about my drumming again.”

“You were drumming to loud.” Jack piped in.

Jason just rolled his eyes, “You were singing too low."

"It doesn't even matter." Lulu piped in, "This is a dress rehearsal, and this is all what we wanted. Imagine what Tyler got to go through. Lets just perfect this one song."

"Tyler." I whispered under my breath ducking my head, " When's the food coming?"

Kacey leaned back and placed a hand around Jack's shoulder, "Spoke soon, cause here it comes."

The waitress had brought a assistant along to hand out our plates. I had ordered a double cheese hot volcano bacon burger. I don't know what I was thinking, but I was feeling adventurous since I'm in L.A.. Everyone went chopping on their burgers as I stared back at mine. It can't take me down. I picked it up and took a bite out of it. At first it didn't seem so hot, till the pepper started to wear in and soon my mouth was on fire. Lulu began cracking up at me.

"It's not funny." I complained taking a huge gulp of my water, "It still burns."

"That is what you get." Jack said to me, "The weirdest people come here."

"Yeah." Kacey agreed, "Look at the couple over there with the spikey red hair."

Jason smiled," Says the one with the red hair."

"My water is done." I declared, "I'm going to go get me some water." I picked up my glass and headed towards the cashier. Today was a good day and tomorrow was going to be even better. The lady behind the counter took my glass and refilled it with water. I smiled at her and turned around to head back at my table. Until I saw something.....

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