#7: Desperate much?

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So I got the 10 votes I needed, even though that chapter was rushed. So as soon as I finish this book, it’ll be edited, sso no need to complain/comment about the grammar mistakes because trust me I’ve seen worse. However, I still read because I’m not a stickler for ‘perfect’ grammar, I’ve read many famous writers books and none of there works are completely perfect. Trust me. But anyways here’s the continuation to break-down. J

Continuation in (Freddies Voice from I carly)






Chapter 7: Desperate much?

I couldn’t use blackmail. Black mailing always got messy at the end and I didn’t want to be the one ending up crying. I mean posting pictures of a nude girl on the internet is a crime? It’s a crime right?

Yes nude.

Like I was saying before after band practice, we decided to go out for pizza. Trust me everyone was starving, plus Jack of course was complaining about his stomach speaking to him. He basically started groaning which interrupted the wonderful nice beat we were playing. Surprise, surpise Jake was there, I guess after he broke up with Amanda he’s been coming to practices. That was good since the Valentine’s Day performance was in the next two days.

I pulled my scarf around my neck a little more because February mid winter weather was still a little cold. I couldn’t wait for when we actually became famous and move to Hollywood, where there is only sunshine and no snow. And no nudity, well I can’t be so sure about that.

We entered the pizza shop laughing about a joke Jason had told us, and were recovering. I took a seat onto the cold red chair and shivered feeling the coldness seep onto my butt. Jason recognized and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled up to him feeling a little warmer. Yes, his touches were warm. I looked up at Jake who had a neutral look on his face. When he got my glance he rubbed his hands together and plastered a smile onto his face. I couldn’t read his thoughts but I knew that was the fakest smile ever.

“Pepperoni with extra cheese it is!” he cheered on. Jack smiled widely and cooed at his stomach. The lady at the cash register was looking at Jack weirdly. I cracked a smile at that. Jason kissed my jaw bone and looked up at me.

However my eyes snapped over to the giggles the cash register was giving when he was paying. He was taking a lot of time just to pay. I mean the cashier wasn’t really ugly, she had brown hair and grey eyes. I mean that was beauty. Natural beauty, and although I was in Jason arms, all I wanted to do is tell the cashier to back off because he’s mine. But he wasn’t, Jason was, and that was all that mattered.

I felt like a bad person. That’s something I needed to think about.

Sooner or later Jake comes back with a box of pizza and a piece of paper stuck to it. I look at it curiously but Jason takes my attention away from it with a kiss on my forehead? What the hell was on that note?

“A phone number bro?” Jason asked smirking at him. Jake shook his head but didn’t decline that it was a phone number. He grinned back the table who called him a man whore.

He fist pumped Jason fists and said, “It feels so good being single.”

Oh gosh. I mean who says that. Even though it was Amanda, I feel like I’m over reacting here. That means he’s not searching for a serious relationship now.

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