*Please Read*

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Hey my fellow readers/Wattpadaian <----Totally made that up lol.

Okay, I would love to thank everyone who read and votes and even commented on my story. I really appreciate it. THANK YOU! You guys are amazing.

If you aren't reading "PLAYING IT SAFE", and you're a #TEAMColby, then you should totally check it out. It's all about him, and in his POV.  YAY!

I am working on another book about Jake and Tyler. So far I can tell you its going to be good lol, and the the title "INSEPARABLE LOVE". So, look out for that.

I have another story out, "DELIVER ME FROM EDEN", please please check it out and tell me what you think. I remember starting this story like a long long long time ago like a summer ago and I never really posted it on it. If I get good feed back I'll keep it up, if not then I'll just take it down. 

Lastly, follow me on Instagram: QueenKeeshaa  Trust me I will follow back.

But yeah lately I've been hooked on Gossip Girl. I mean, it's just so amazing. I'm probably so late. (I know I am, since the series is over). Chase Crawford is so freaking sexy. Ya'll don't understand. Lol. But I'll stop babbling.


          ViragoMonroe <3

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