#23:A new girl once again

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Hi readers I’m so sorry that I haven’t posted for a while. I’m  so sorry. Hope you haven’t forgotten about it. School is starting in a week, and I’m just trying to get ready. So don’t get mad at me for my late updating and plus don’t get upset at the recent and future chapters up. I have a surprise. Sorry for the short chapter.

#Chapter 23: A New Girl Once Again

I already knew how it felt to be a new girl. The sweat, the fast heart beats, not wanting to embarrass yourself on the first day. Trying to make new friends, God I already had friends back in New York. Why couldn’t my friends come to Los Angeles with me? They’re so amazing. Why couldn’t the producer see what I saw? My Aunt Rima offered for me to stay with her. I haven’t seen her for years, and I could’ve seen she was a little antsy because she has no kids what so ever, and has no idea how to take care of me. But from what I remember of her, she was very fun and very supportive.

 My Aunt Rima smiled down at me as I rubbed my sweaty palms on my sophisticated blazer. The uniform sucked all the life and personality out of me. This morning when I tried on the uniform I felt lifeless plain, with no personality. I felt as if I walked into that building, I would’ve blended with everyone in it. I decided to add my own color, hoping that the principal didn’t get upset of my choice of color to add to the bland uniform. So I included a tie, a bright pink belt, and my leather converses.

“Rima, I’m so scared than I was when I first moved to New York.” I said exhaling in and out to calm my nerves, “God, what are they going to think of me?”

“What’s the difference from moving to New York to L.A?” she said giving a small smile, “ I know but from what all the things my sister has been telling you about you’re a great child, you have so much personality, and I’m sure everyone is going to love you. I know they’re going to be some people that may give you looks because this amazing child is probably taking the spotlight they’ve work so hard to get. All I’m saying is just go out and be you.”

Instantly I hugged my aunt for that pep talk that really pepped me up. Suddenly I felt ready to go to school, “Thanks so much.”

Aunt Rima smiled at me and squeezed my shoulders reassuringly, “Go show them whose boss.”

                I nodded and opened the doors of this private school. Never went to a fancy private school by the way. Great, no one was in the hallway right away I headed towards the office to pick up my schedule. The receptionist greeted me with a raised eyebrow. I knew that look was towards my uniform. I was waiting for her to scold me and tell me too take of the colors, “Young lady you must be Ms. Fields.” she said, “They’ve been waiting for you to come, here’s your schedule and the map of the school.”

I glanced at the wrinkled old lady and then eyed the schedule that I took out her hands, “Thank you.”

“Your first class is E.L.A. , it’s on the first floor in room 1-419.” She said smiling. I nodded and waved at her thanking her for informing me about my first class. That really helped a lot, saved me a lot of time roaming and getting lost in the hallway.

I followed the directions of the map . this school was really big. Throughout the week I just didn’t want to think of Jake. I bet he was doing better than I was. He didn’t have to worry about making new friends. He didn’t have to worry about people liking and accepting him. All he had to worry about is his band and life without me. Maybe he just didn’t mind anymore that I was gone. Maybe slowly his love for me was drifting away. I hope not. Not at all.

Standing outside Ms. Fischers E.L.A. class I took one deep breath in and opened the door. Normally, I would knock but I was feeling kinds of confident. It was building and rising. Ms. Fischer’s head snapped towards mine and soon her confused look formed into a bright smiling face, recognizing that she was probably told that there was a new student coming in today. I smiled back at her, and then smiled to the class who just stood there looking at me.

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