#21: Flight Away

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 Hi. I would like to say. Thank you too all my supporters/ readers and fans. You guys are amazing. Just needed to say that.

One. If you're going to comment. Please comment good critism that can help me or things that you like about my story and good quality things. Don't comment stupid things. Please. I'm just saying, cause I recieved a comment that I felt as if it wasn't neccessary for. SO thnks i advance.

Lets not keep you waiting. 

#21: Flight Away

I swear my life had bad timing. Yes, the universe does hate me.

My dream was finally going to come through. Just when Jake was going to make a move on me and ask me to be his girlfriend, I had to move to L.A. to record a demo. This was hard. This was both my dreams we’re talking about here. My career dream and my love life dream. So which one do I choose? That was the question. I can’t have both. If I wanted Jake I would have to give up the deal and stay with him. However, music was something big part of my life. It’s been with me ever since I was a little girl. If I leave now, Jake and I can always be reunited. If you love something let it go, if we were met to be then we’ll find a way back to each other. But what if we weren’t compatible?

Jake stood there staring at me as if I just said the wrong this. Which in all means I did say the wrong thing because this wonderful had just confessed that he liked me, and now I would have to turn him down. I waved my hand in his face.

“When were you planning on telling us?” Lulu said out of nowhere. I guess she heard the whole thing.

“Jake knew that eventually I was going leave. He even encouraged me to do it.”I said glancing at her, “I didn’t want to tell you guys until everything was sorted out. But they contacted me earlier saying that I had to leave.”

I turned back to Jake with a hurt expression on my face, “I’m sor-

“Then why didn’t you tell me you were leaving.” He spat cutting me off, “Yes I convinced you to follow your dreams but you never told me you were leaving so soon.”

“Jake, look I’m sorry.” I desperately declared at him, I didn’t want him mad at me, “I won’t go, if you don’t want me to go.”

He turned around and I could see that he was frustrated. He ran his hand through his hair once again and again and took a sharp inhale in and let it go. He spun around and looked at me, “Look, I want you to follow your dreams okay. I won’t go back on that. I want you to follow your heart and go. If we were meant to be together then somehow, someday that the universe would find a way to put us back together. Mark my ones. I love you Ty.”  He said grabbing me by the shoulder and pulling me into a big hug.

“I love you to Jakey.” I mumbled into his chest.

My mother didn’t seem to stop crying once I woke up this morning and checking my suit cases. All night yesterday she surprised me with a chocolate cake, and balloons. Jake hadn’t come over to my house after the dance, and he hadn’t kiss me either. I had a feeling that he was upset that I was leaving early.

I looked down at my bed. It had my favorite teddy bear laying there. I strolled over and picked it up, admiring it. With such force I threw it against the wall, and fell back into my bed. I looked around my room. Why were things so hard for me? Why couldn’t I just have a perfect life? With easy decisions? Why could I just be good at making decisions? Poor bear. I strolled over to the bear, and dropped it into my suitcase. Tears forming in my eye, I remembered the day Jake won me that bear. I was so happy, yet so young oblivious to my feeling towards him.

“Tyler! Tyler!” My mom called for me, “Come downstairs! We have to hurry up or we won’t make it to the airport.”

At the air point my mom grappled my face kissing me from one cheek to the other. I smiled at her reassuring her that I’ll be okay. I never really rode on a plane before. I wasn’t really terrified; I was just going to be alone. I was staying with my Aunt Rima, and I was going to be going to some stuck up rich kids school that my music director insisted he’d pay for, for me to go to. Story of my life.

“Flight 9 heading to Los Angeles get ready to board.” The air hostess warned.

I looked around to everyone who stood there quietly. Jack, Kacey, Jason and Lulu was there. But where was Jake? Where was he?! Why didn’t he want to come to say good bye? However, I wasn’t going to let him get the best of me. I didn’t want them to see me cry. I didn’t want them to see that I was hurt my Jakes appearance. Instead I hugged around in my band.

Jack pulled me into a big hug resting his head onto my fluff of hair, “Your hair smells good.” He said laughing, way to push the tenseness away, “I’m going to miss you Tyler bear.”

I smiled into his chest, “I’m going to miss you Jack Rabbit.”

He lets go of me and I hug Kacey who was silent for the first time. She let go and I smiled reassuring her that I’ll be fine. Why was everyone worried about me? Sheesh, I’m a big girl. In all reality, I wasn’t even sure if I was going to be fine without my friends and family.

I walked to Jason who still hand his drumsticks in his hand. I hugged him very tightly and I already knew I was going to miss him. Besides Jake he’s been by my side thick or thin. Even when I dated him, which as I start to think of, it was really, really weird, “Jason I’m really going to miss you.”

“I’m going to miss you too Fields.”  He said hugging me. I felt as if I was going to cry. I looked up at Jason into his eyes, and he looked down to his arms, “Here” He said clamping his drumsticks in his hand, “I want you to have this.”

“No.”I said declining his present, “Those are your lucky drumsticks.” I said

“Exactly.” He said giving me a quick kiss on the forehand before shoving the sticks into my bag, “I wish you good luck, and just know I’ll always be there for you, I’d be ready to kick someone-

“Jason.” Lulu said cutting him off, “Tyler has to go, and I want my good bye special.” She said giving him a look.

I couldn’t help but giggle, but soon I was overwhelmed with tears. I was leaving my best friend. Since I moved to New York she was the only one there that actually treated me like everyone else. She didn’t judge me because of my skin color, and she supported me in everything I’ve done. I’m glad to say that Lulu, the girl who would fool you into thinking she was quiet; until she opened her mouth was my bestfriend for life.

I quickly encased her with a big hug. She was basically squeezing the life out of me, “I’m going to miss you Tyler.”

“I’m going to miss all of you.” I said hugging her back.

I grabbed my suitcases and waved at my friends who just stood there. I’ve never saw Kacey cry, she was always the strong one, don’t get fooled by her strong appearances. I’m going to miss all my friends and my mom and most of all Jake. Speaking of Jake I hope he was here. I waved my friends good bye as they started to depart. My mom pulled me in, her arms around my shoulder, and gave me a kiss on the forehead. I was about to head in, until someone called out my name. I looked back expected one of my friends to be there; instead it was the one person I wasn’t expecting to come. Amanda.

“Hey! I’m sorry I’m late.” I was expecting Jake not her, but not everything’s like a fairy tale. He wasn’t going to come here, and kiss me like he never kissed me before and then tell me he love me, and he’ll go with me. Life’s not a fairytale, and I needed to remember that.

I turned around and smiled, “Jake wanted me to give you this.” She said handing me the letter, “And Oh wait, he said don’t open in until you get on the plane.”

“Thanks.” I said smiling at her. I gave her hug and told her I had to get going.

I couldn’t wait to get on that plane to read that letter.

A/n: This chapter wasn’t up to par of how I wanted it to be written. But I hope you still enjoy it. From then on the stories going to be mainly in Jake’s P.OV. and some of Tylers. Soo it’ll be cool to see what Jake thinks.

10 votes for the next chapter J))) 

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