#3 The Gig

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Hi. I want to thank some of the people who added and voted for my last few chapters. I want to thank you for all the encouraging comments. So comment and vote and tell me what you think of it. I hope you like this chapter!

The Gig – Chapter 3

Our band, the plague, hasn’t even yet placed a gig in like months. I mean, yeah we were playing for the school homecoming dance, but we weren’t really getting paid. All the school was doing is guaranteeing us that the next time we get in trouble, we’d be excuse. However, that was stupid because we never got in trouble.

I was sitting there in our band room, pacing back and forth as the other band members zoned out. Then it happened my phone rang.  I quickly jumped at it, and tapped the answer button.

“Hello?” the person on the other said.

“Yes.” I answered back. All the band members head snapped up at mine. They came in closer listening to the call.

“This is Patrick Spencer, from Gravity 56, you know the teen club. We would love for you to play for the upcoming date February 14th, Valentines Day, you know.”

“Really!” I yelled into the phone getting extremely excited. We were invited to play at Gravity 56 Teen Lounge.

“Yes really.” The guy said laughing, “We’d pay 150, and if you want to play again. Let us know, probably you’d become a regular.”

“No kidding.” I said becoming serious. I know some of my friends loved playing jokes on me and my family.

“I’m serious.” He said, “So I’ll see you at 7, and you’re the main act so play something good.”

“Totally.” I said hanging up the phone, and turning to my band members who had been eavesdropping.

Jack who was blinking really fast leaped across the chair and grabs my shoulder shaking me, “Are you saying we have a…” he said dramatically, “A-a-a- gig!”

I smirked at him folding my arms, “Yes , yes we do.”

“Where?” Jason said drumming a beat onto the silver table

I turned to him with a huge grin at my face, “ Gravity 56!”

He dropped the drumsticks that made a big clack on the floor, “Holy crap! That’s that famous crazy teen club. You know how much it is to get into that club?”

“I know.” I said smiling.

Lulu pulled a string on her electric guitar making us jump, “Sorry.” She said smiling sheepishly.

“Well I can’t wait.” Kacey said smiling widely.

I looked around looking for the one person. Of course he wasn’t here. He was being engulfed by a alien type girlfriend, Amanda. I bet if he was here he’d be happy. After all, he was the one that helped us get this gig. If it wasn’t for his uncle, man, we’d never ever make it. I had to thank him. We had to thank him.

“Wish Jake was here.” I said mumbling, “Let’s just practice. We’re playing next week for Valentine’s Day.”

“Ohhh!” Lulu squealed, “Me likely!”

“Any suggestion about a song we should sing?” I asked looking around.

A smirk came to Jason’s face, “How about we sing that song that you and Jake wrote.”

I blushed, “No way, could I ever sing that song.” I said, “Plus, that’s like a break up song.”

“So….” Jason said picking up his drum sticks and walking towards his drums, “How about we add a little beat.” He said sitting down on his stool and slapping down a catchy beat. I smiled at him and nodded my head. I looked over to Kacey who started plucking on her strings softly and Kacey walking over to the keyboards. Soon we had gotten a beat.

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