#9: The Breakup ***Real Chapter 9*****

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This person dedicated up here. Today's her bithday so, I'd just like to point that out, :DDDDDD

SORRY that this chapter is short just been a little out and busy these days. :;DDDD

So hey thanks for the 15 votes, I really appreciate it. So for that here’s an extra long chapter. Check out my cast, any suggestions? Hmm, please feel free to talk to me, and stuff. :DDD I DON’T BITE! Lols, yes this story is taken place in NY, yeah because I live there. :DDDDD. Feel free to fan.  Lols , oh and check out the cast pics. :DDDDDDD Oh, I feel some hatred towards Tyler. Hmmm…what about Jake?

#9: Break Up


Jason stood on the floor clutching his nose surround by a pool of blood. Jake shook out his fist again ready for another blow however I grabbed him, by now tears was already sprung from my eyes. Why did Jake punch Jason? The answer was all in the blonde hoe in a mini skirt, with a dirty smug look forming on her face as she looked upon.

Wait. It got to my head. My Jason, the one who was also the second closes to me, cheated on me with, with Amanda. No way! I lost control and launched on Amanda. I grabbed her hair yanking it continuously. I grabbed on it, yanking it back and forth. She yelled out a scream.

“You dirty hoe!” I yelled slapping her in the face and kicking her. Her hair fell out by pieces. I mean I was in rage. I grabbed her by the throat pushing her into the wall. Jake ran up and grabbed me I threw my hands out and scratched her chest. She gasped, and looked at me. Jason had tears in his eyes. I looked at Jason as he looked at me.

“Get out my house.” I said to Amanda. I grabbed her and pushed her out. She looked at me, and walked out the house.

I turned my attention back to Jason, “its over.” And with that I slapped him. So hard I probably you could see my DNA on his face.

He clutched his face as he stood up. He shook his head side to side as he held onto his nose, “Nothing happened!”

I looked at him folding my arms. Should I hear him out? I was just so pissed? Why was Amanda trying so hard to ruin my life? I mean in the next 3 days, we would be playing at Gravity 56, and we needed to focus on that. Not on drama, “Look I’ll hear you out.”

He grabbed my wrist softly and I shook his hand off, “Amanda came over here asking me about Jake. I told her he was with you because you guise were having some best friend type thingy time. She grew angry and I told her to calm down and she should go home. She shook her head no, so I offered her some water, and she pushed me aside and walked in. I mean, she wanted Jake, so she decided she’ll wait at the house for him. Then all of a sudden she starts crying, and I didn’t know what to do. I mean even though its Amanda, it’s a crying girl. So I just awkwardly hugged her. And then the crazy bit-chick just jumped on me and attacked my lips. And that’s when Jake came in and punched me in the nose.”

I looked at Jake who folded his arms, the look on his face changed. Could this story be one bit true? I found myself staring at Jason for an abnormal amount of time. He just stares back at me.

“I guess.”

Jason looks away and soon gets angry, “You guess! I’m friggin telling the damn truth, and ll you can say is that you guess?”

“Yes.” I said honestly too him

He grabs me and kisses me passionately. I couldn’t believe what was happening and I push him off of me with disgust. I mean eww, Amanda’s lips was on his seconds ago. I looked away the blush coming onto my face, “It’s fine.” He said, “I’m glad it’s over, it felt good while it last, atleast we could be friends again.” He walks out the open down and slams it.

It felt like de ja vu. When Jake had walked out me, maybe I was the one who needed a serious reality check. Gosh, a big serious one.

I looked back at Jake who had already began cleaning up the glass on the floor. I looked at him and ran up the stairs to my room. I was sick and tired of all the drama in my life. I was just sick and tired.

I walked into school expect Lulu to bombard me with questions about the break up with Jason. Last night, I was kind of happy Jason and I broke up. I recognized that maybe I was using Jason to make Jake jealous. Obviously, that was working. Jason was my friend, and he didn’t’ deserve that.

I was surprised to because at breakfast, Jason was in my house eating a blueberry muffin. As usual he would take an orange juice out the refrigerator and toss it to me. I smiled, knowing that everything was normal again and he had forgiven me for my foolish ways.

However, I still felt stupid, because I was still in- love with Jake.

Walking down the dim hallways of my school, I wasn’t expecting to be stopped by this one person. He haven’t bothered me for a while, and it was as if he was disappearing from my life slowly. This day, he had definitely faded back in.

“Hey babe looking hot today.” I heard him say to me in a seductive tone. I rolled my eyes knowing who exactly who it was. No other than the Luke Jackson.

“What Luke?” I said turning around, “Why now?”

He smirked walking up to me. He was grinning, and I glanced over him looking at what he was wearing. Gosh, he needed to layoff the Hollister. I wasn’t in the mood of messing with him, or arguing with him. I was totally over that. I had better things to worry about trust me.

“Nothing.” He said shaking his head, “ I heard about your breakup.”

“And that concerns you.” I said turning around and walking away. He quickly shot his hand out to turn me around. I came face to face him and stepped back a bit.

“Listen, I was just trying to be sympathetic.” He said looking at me. I don’t know, his mouth said one thing but his eyes said another. But I decided to give him a chance.

“Oh.” I murmured.

“Listen, do you want to get some ice-cream later or something?” he said in a coolly voice,” As friends.” He quickly shot in.

He wanted to get ice-cream with me. Was this a trick for me? I mean it’s quite sudden he’s being all, ‘hey lets be friends and eat ice cream.”

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