#38: Caught

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Hey. I'm back with another update. I'm so sorry that it's short. However, I felt as if it was really needed. I think I needed this chapter. I want to drag it out, so it just doesn't end like BAM. Plus, I feel that i need to bring back some of my old characters. Like Luke? Who remembers Luke? Well yeah I miss him. So...yeah <3


I have to say. I haven't been on a plane since I was like ten. My parents don't go out of New York that much with me. They're always busy working. If we do go out of state, it's too places where my dad decides to have a family road trip.

"99 bottles of milk on the wall! 99 bottles of milk! Take one done pass it around! 98 bottles of milk on the wall!" My mom and dad sang alone while we drove down the highway.

"98 bottles of milk on the -

I had to interrupt them, "When is this going to stop!" I whined from the back seat.

My dad stopped singing, finally, and says without turning around, "When we hit zero of course!"

And continues singing the song again. Pure torture.

But, the plane was peace and quiet. Did I tell you they made us ride first class. Awesome. I finally saw our dreams coming through bit by bit. Who knew. Who knew I was going to see Tyler again? Who knew I had the balls to even think about proposing to her? The universe works in mysterious ways. Thank You.

"So, are you ready?" Jason said to me suddenly. I had dozed off since the girls had quieted down. Lulu had her earphones in and Kacey was knocked out. Jack was sleeping too.

"Ready for what?" I asked him. I was ready for a lot of things.

He smiled knowingly, "Besides our performance, you think I'm dumb. I know you secret plans."

Wait. He knew was going to purpose to Tyler? How did he find out? Did he hear me or something? What the flying fu-, "How did you find out I was going to purpose to Tyler?" I whispered.

His face contorted into an confused look, "You're going to do what?" he said, "I was talking about secretly seeing her but not purposing."

I shrugged, busted, "Look don't tell the girls or Jack. "

He smiles at me, "I won't. Chill dude." he said, "I think it's better if you do. You know we'd support you all the way."

I sighed, "I know. But I may not know that. I really don't want anyone talking me out of what I got to do or even ruining the plan." I admitted

Jason rolled his eyes, "So we've all been friends for what, forever, and you're telling me you don't trust us enough to tell us?"

I stayed quiet. He has a point, "It's not like I don't trust you guys. It's just that I've done everything with you guys. I met Tyler with you guys. I let too many people interfere with my relationship with her. I don't want to blame anyone but myself if this goes wrong."

"Remember you lost her because of your stupid reaction." he said

"I know that, and now I'm trying to get her back."

Jason laughs, "You think an engagement ring is going to get her back?"

Now it's my turn to roll my eyes, "This is the same reason why I didn't want anyone of you guys finding out."

"Fine. I'm sorry." He apologized, " But can you at least let me help?"

I sighed. Maybe he'd be good help, "Sure. Just don't tell the girls."

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