#16: Rumor has it...

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Wow. A next day post. Didn't know I was going to get so much votes in a few hours. Thanks. Although I wish some of the voters, commented. I need some comments. Don't forget I'm in the watty awards. I would totally love if you guys comment. I love you guys who supported this story since the beginning. 15 votes to the next chapter.

#16: Rumor has it...

“I………..go out with Luke.”  She said very slowly.

It took me a while for the words to process my brains. How? I mean, there was nothing wrong with Luke; it was just that Lulu always went for the boys of her race. I wasn’t mad, no; in fact I was more than happy that she found someone. As changed as Luke was, in the back of my mind I didn’t want him hurting my best friend, because that’s a different road, he doesn’t want to cross.

“Are you mad?” she said again. I could imagine her pacing back and forth in her room her blond her tied up in a pony tail as she worries that her best friend might be mad.

“No, I’m not.” I said reassuring her in the phone, “How did this happen?”

She told me that the day we went to Gravity 56 when we had all left, she had no one to walk with home. Luke assisted that he’ll walk with her, even though he lives no where close. She had denied but he told her it’s fine, he’ll catch a bus back. She had felt as if no one was that nice to her, well besides her band. The wind that day sent a cold breeze that sent shivers down her spine and made her neck cold.

Luke had did the unexpected and took off his scarf and wrapped it around her neck. Instead of going home, they changed paths and went to burger king, she was hungry. I wasn’t surprise very typical of her. Luke paid for everything, and she was flattered. She said that he made her feel special and that sooner or later he asked her out, and then here we are now going out.

That was the day Jake and I almost kissed. That almost was in the way.

Today I wasn’t all excited about going to school. Especially, not to see Amanda. Its like her attacks had gotten worse. I mean, it’s crazy how a girl can act like that for a boy. Why couldn’t she just trust Jake? Why is she so insecure? If I was Jake’s girlfriend, I’d trust him enough for him not to cheat on me. If she really knew Jake, she’d know that Jake wasn’t the type to just break a girls heart by cheating. He wasn’t the type.

She had him on a tight rope. He knew what she gave, why did he set himself back on that trap. Why did he step back on that page? He knew she was mentally crazed, jealous girlfriend. Amanda wasn’t even all of that. If he really wanted a girlfriend, there was other pretty, non-crazy girls in the school. Jessica, Deschanel, even Kacy. But Amanda, boy was she something else.

I walked down the halls of people as they stared and snickered. I ignored them, maybe it was something else. However, I knew that wasn’t the case. They were staring at me? But why? More people snickered and stared, and they didn’t even cover it. I started to walk faster until I got to my locker, where I saw why they were laughing.

Someone covered my locker with a words saying that I was a wanna-be white girl. It had words like fake, and Barbie. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I knew this someone was Amanda. Out of all the things she’d ever done to me, I knew this was the most heart wrenching one she’d ever thought of. I felt tears threaten to fall out my eyes but I didn’t want to seem weak in front of her. She didn’t deserve to see me cry. That’s all she wanted, to see me fall. It would just make her stronger. I ripped down the poster, and walked towards the lunchroom where all the sophomores gathered, waiting for class to start.

The lunchroom was covered with more pictures and posters about me. I saw Amanda sitting on the table with her legs crossed. She had this happy glint in her eyes. She smirked, and for some reason that smirk got to me.  I’ve never felt my blood boil, but boy was I angry. I could feel steam escape my ears.

I angrily trudged over to her to confront her about what she had done.  When I appeared she folded her arms and sneered, “So you like what I did with the place? Huh?”

I wanted to slap that sneer of her face, but I knew violence wouldn’t have solved it, it would only make it worse than it was, “ Why would you do this?”

“Hmm, I heard you’re going to L.A., with Jake.” She said sipping on her ice-tea, “ You can’t even sing any ways.”

“Like you can do any better.” I sneered at her folding my arms too.

“I  don’t even see what Jake see’s in you.” She said smiling, “All I see is wanna-be white trash.”

I laughed  a bitter laugh, “I have no idea what Jake see’s in you. Have you ever wonder why Jake dumped you. All I see is someone who insecure about themselves. You’re manipulative, controlling, and fake. You don’t deserve him as a boyfriend.”

She jumped off the table as soon as I said those words, “The only reason why we broke up was because of you. You think I’m stupid! I know you have a crush  on him. For the truth or dare game, I know you guys kissed. You broke us up. You’re in the way! Move!”

I can’t believe she thinks that I’m the reason why they broke up. She was the reason why they broke up. Things like this is the reason why he didn’t want to be with her in the first place. She was to blind to see it.

“You wouldn’t be able to see the reason why you all broke up if I handed you a pare of eyes and some glasses.” I said to her, “ You guys broke up because you can’t control your jealousy. You’re too damn blind to see that you don’t give him any space, and you spaz whenever a girl or me approaches him.  Things like this is the reason why he broke up with you in the first place. You treat him like a dog. The funny thing is is that he broke up with you, and got back with you. Now you’re here jeopardizing your relationship. It’s not me, who’s the problem. Its you!”

Amanda seemed surprised at what I said. She looked around the lunchroom with a dazed look on her face as if she was just recognizing everything she had did was about to soon blow back in her face.

“Amanda what is this?!” I heard Jake voice say holding up the posters about me. He seem to get even more pissed when he sees the posters in the lunchroom. Am I right? Did this just not blow up in her face.

She doesn’t say anything. She just sits there with a unsure look on her face.

“Amanda…” Jake said getting angry, “What in the world possessed you to go do this? This is wrong! Tyler is my best friend, what have she ever done to you?”

“She stole you away from me.” Amanda said looking at him

Jake throws his hands up in the air. My band walks in and starts tearing off the posters about me, “ How can she steal me away, when all you do is not give me space.” He said with a stiff look on his face, he runs his hands through his hair, “I never belonged to you. I never will. I tried so hard to give you another chance. I felt sorry, but all you did was messed this up again.”

“Jake I’m sorry.” She said in a small voice.

I right now felt as if I didn’t belong her, so I went to help my friends tear down the posters about me, but in the background  I listened in to what Jake was telling Amanda.

“No you’re not.” He said, “ You always say this, and then you go back and do the same crap. Listen Amanda, I can’t take this crap from you any more. I’m sorry to see this but I’m breaking up with you. Just please stay away from me, and my friends. Get out  my life.”


Hi! Again!  Hey wassup. Thanks for reading. Don't forget to comment.!!! 15 votes for the next chapter. Tell me what you think About tyler and jake. Or even Amanda! <3 

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