#28: Skin Like Hershey

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“You what?!” I said into the phone pretending that I did not just hear what Jake just said to me.

Jake stayed quiet on the phone, spoke, but hesitated but finally confessed, “I’m serious I kissed Amanda.” He said quickly, “But before you get upset and start spazzing it was an accident that we both regret.”

“Are you sure both of you guys regret it?” I knew I shouldn’t have trusted Amanda. No wonder she was so nice to me, as soon as I left Jake would be all to hers without anyone in her way. He actually fell into her niceness trap. I actually fell into her niceness trap, “And too late I’m already mad.” I breath in and out, “You haven’t called me a month.”

“Sorry.” He breathed out.

“And when you do decided to actually call me, it’s the worse news I could ever get.” I said, “You don’t see me going around kissing boys. I actually thought you’d at least give us some time before actually getting over me.”

I could hear Jake sigh on the phone, “Who said I was over you?” he said, “Matter of fact I’m depressed, and those magazines of your face and that boy isn’t even helping. That new kid star acting in ‘Playing It Safe’.”

“Are you actually going to believe that we’re a couple? Are you that dumb?” I said growing angry. That he was making up excuses for kissing Amanda.

My the tone of his voice I could tell he was getting mad too, “Here I was just trying to be honest with you and suddenly I’m being called dumb.” He said, “Hey, you’re in the magazine posing next to him. Even with those captions, new teen celebrity couple. Hey a brother starts to think stuff.”

“You’re not a brother.” I said rolling my eyes even if he couldn’t see my face, “ Colby is just my best friend here Jake. The media lies.”

“Well, the photos you guys been caught in haven’t been so convincing that the media has been lying.” He retorted, “What about the photo of you guys on the beach and you’re thrown over his shoulder.”

“Jake, we were playing. God, you’re my best friend and you’ve done things like that to me.” I said, “Oh wait don’t try to turn this on me. This is about you kissing Amanda. And the facts that you didn’t even show up at my departure and then decide to call me and tell me about bad news on your first call.”

“God!” He exclaimed on the phone, “You’re over reacting as usual.”

“Oh I’m over reacting. Fine I’ll over react some more. I’ll over react and hang up!” I yelled into the phone and hanged up. I can’t believe he tried to turn this around on me. Jake knew kissing Amanda was wrong, and I’m happy that he told me but then try to turn it around and make excuses then that was the point. I need someone to talk to. Suddenly tears are falling from my eyes. I looked at my phone and texted Colby. I needed some company.

Colby do you mind if I come over L  I texted Colby

Sure. You know you’re welcome anytime. Do you need me to pick you up. He texted back

You live down the block. Don’t worry I’ll walk. I told him.

I grabbed my bag and wrote a note to my aunt. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind since its Colby. When I opened the door the warm wind blew the tears on my face. The walk down all I could think about was why Jake now decided to call me and tell me bad news. Why couldn’t he save that for the third call? But my first call? That was messed up. And Amanda, oh she was definitely going to get a strongly worded letter mailed to her. I can’t believe she kissed Jake. All that niceness was so fake. Fake. Fake. Fake. Jake is a bigger idiot for falling into her trap, matter of fact kissing her back.

I knocked on Colby’s door, but then I remember they invented doorbells duh. I rang the doorbell hoping his parents were on some trip some where else. I really didn’t need the questions from them of why I was crying. When Colby opened the door, a big bright smile was plastered on his face until he saw the tears and my frown. His smile faded as he wrapped his arm around me as I cried more into his chest. He smelled like Vanilla, and I sniffed some more. Colby walked me inside closing the door and letting me go.

“What happen Ty?” he asked patting me on the shoulder.

I leaned back onto the kitchen counter as Colby heated some water in the microwave, “You’re not going to believe this.”

“I’ll believe anything you tell me.” Colby said looking up at me with his beautiful eyes. His soft gaze made me smile a tiny bit that he was concerned about me, “Tell me.”

I glanced down at my palms, “Jake, he finally called me and told me he kissed Amanda.”

Colby took the hot water out the microwave and set it on the counter. He opened his cupboard and pulled out hot cocoa mix and poured it in, “He did what?!”

“He kissed Amanda.” I said breaking down. Throwing my hands up in the air, “Why did he have to tell me bad news on his first call?”

“I hate that he’d even do that to you.” he said spraying whip cream into the tea cup. He handed the cup to me. I smiled and took it.

I looked down, “I’m not surprise I always knew I wasn’t beautiful enough for Jake.” I began, “Amanda’s always been pretty, matter fact she had the qualities to be a model. She is beautiful. Me I’m average.” I said taking a sip of the hot chocolate.

Colby came closer to me causing me to put my hot cocoa down. His thumb raised my chin, “Look me in the eyes.” I couldn’t look him in the eyes. “Look me in the eyes.” He repeated. I finally looked him in the eyes, “I don’t ever what to hear you belittle yourself again. Sure Amanda is beautiful, but guess what you’re beautiful too. Matter fact, you’re probably the reason why I believe there’s angels.” He smiled, “Those big brown eyes, those are beautiful. The way you’d pout when you disapprove of something. Your perfect smile. Yes, I observed you wore braces. Your crazy curly hair which I love. The biggest of them all that I love is your heart. I swear, you’re the most generous person ever, and don’t forget that beautiful voice of yours.”

This is coming from my best friend Colby. My heart skipped a beat. A smile appeared on my face. Colby grabbed my hands and leaded me up a stairs and pushed open a door that I guess had to be his bed room. He pulled me in and I smiled up at him. He opened up a book and took a seat on the bed, and said, “ I never believed in love. Yet, I seem to believe in it now. I guess I was a coward, afraid even. This girl who have skin rich like a Hersey Bar, seem to come into my life and change everything by far. I know I could never have her, because her heart belongs to someone else. But If things ever gets rough, don’t forget I’ll always be her friend.”

I looked up at him and smile. I don’t know what but I lay down on his bed. He followed after me turning to face me. I don’t know what came over me but for some reason I moved in closer bringing my arms around his neck bringing his head closer to mind. His breathing becoming husky, I brought my lips to his. Our lips moved in sync and all I did was forgetting my problems. Colby kissed back pulling my waist closer to his. Colby lifted his shirt and I could feel all his muscles. We kissed all night until I fell asleep in his arms.  

A/N: I have to say I am quite satified with this chapter. My readers please don't be too upset with me. I mean I'm torn. So hey, Colby is a sweet heart. :) But don't be mad. I'm sorry. Just continue reading and supporting. DOn't forget to vote, and comment and tell me what you thought of this chapter. How do you feel about it? Comments on the character? :) That'll make me super happy. :)))) #TEAM COLBY OR #TEAM JAKE. 

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