#27: Big Time News

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“Tyler I missed you so much.” Jake said smiling that beautiful smile at me. His face lit up when I grinned at him and blushed.

I shook my head, “Jake you have no idea how much I missed you!”

Jake pulled my hands out my pocket as his breath filled my nose. God he smelled so good. His smell was so intoxicating. God it was. I buried my nose in his neck as he held my hand. I sniffed in as his thumb made circles around my palm. I couldn’t believe Jake was standing here in my presence.

I looked up at him, “How did you get here?”

He smiled, “I made waffles.”

I raised my eyebrows. He made waffles., “You what?”

Jake smiled, “I made waffles!” his voice sounded stranger and stranger. All of a sudden a feel a sudden pressure to my head. I opened my eyes and kneeling on my bed isn’t Jake but the handsome Colby. I smiled at Colby, but I was upset that my dream was over. I turned my head towards my clock and saw that it was 10:51, I jumped off my bed like a ninja because I was late for school.

Colby appeared infront of me resting his hand on my shoulder, “Relax.”

I looked at him as if he was stupid. He wanted me to calm down when we were late for school. I was late for a private school I wasn’t even paying for. What would my manager think. He’d be mad at me for sure. I shook Colby hand off my shoulder but he pulled me back with his wrist turning me around, “Your aunt called in and told them that you weren’t feeling well, and today I have a off day.”

“That school just gives you off days?” I asked looking at him with a raised  eyebrow

“Today I was suppose to meet with my manager,” he said stressing the suppose, “but she canceled on me because she’s sick. So I guess we both have a free day.” He said smiling, “But guess what…I planned something today.”

A smiled appeared on my face. Colby always planned the funnest days. Its crazy because he’s the only friend I have in that school. I looked him up and down. Then I recognize Colby was wearing nothing but pajama pants and no shirt. My eyes landed on his packs and chest. Wow, how come I never recognized he was fit. I finally snapped out of it and Colby threw me a knowing smirk, “Take a picture it lasts longer.”

A blush appeared on my face as I stood there, “Shut up! I wasn’t checking you out.” I said folding my arms, “Where are you taking me?”

“It’s a surprise.” He said pushing me towards the bathroom and closing the door, “Get dress.”

I nodded my head and hopped into the shower. I could hear him heading downstairs to my house. I couldn’t believe I was checking my best friend out. Wait, Jake’s my best friend. Wait, wait, only person I’m suppose to be checking out is Jake. But he haven’t even called me since I’ve been here. So its crazy, I think I have the rights to look, if he don’t have the balls the call me. I’m definitely not calling him first. I’m not.

Swallowing the last bite of waffles. I stood up and pulled Colby toward the door. I really couldn’t wait till we arrived at the place we were at. I really was excited. I tried to think of where he was taking me. Maybe, he was taking me to the beach. Nah, we already went to the beach. Colby grabbed his keys and opened the doors to his car. I hopped in and smiled at him.

“You smiling at me isn’t going to make me tell you where I’m taking you.” He said to me as he started up the car.

“C’mon why does every place you take me have to be a surprise?” I asked him.

“Because I’m Colby and I love surprising people.” He retorted.

Folding my arms I said, “Well, I’m Tyler and I hate susrprises.” He said.

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