Chapter #26: Waking Up to Hate *Bonus Chapter*

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Bonus Chapter! Hope you like.

#26: Waking up to Hate.


The other night I had kissed Amanda and suddenly I regretted my reactions. How was I supposed to tell her without her over reacting? I should’ve never have done it. This is the reasons why Tyler never opened up to me. She was too afraid of being hurt. And when I already had her heart in my hand, there I was smashing it with a jack hammer and giving it back to her broken. In all reality, as much as u wanted Tyler, I didn’t deserve her. She deserved better she should just forget about me.

I opened my eyes to find a girl sitting on my bed with a devious smile painted on her face. Rubbing my eyes some more. That girl with the devious smile was definitely Lulu. What the hell was she doing here? What the hell was she doing in my house? Most of all, what the hell was she doing in my room watching me as I slept?

“Lulu, what are you doing in my room?” I asked her, “How the hell did you get into my house?”

“Tyler’s spare key.” She said with a wicked smile on her face that scared the she*t out of me. She jingled the keys in front of me.

“Can I help you with something?” I impatiently asked trying to get to the pith of this conversation. I just wanted to get back to what I do best, and that is sleeping.

She got up and all of a sudden Lulu ripped the blankets off me. What the hell was that for? What the hell was she doing? Have she lost her bloody mind? Remembering that I slept with boxer briefs (search it up); my hand automatically went to cover my package. I quickly looked down admiring my packs. Yes, all eight of my babies.

“You’re not here to rape me? Right?” I said. Lulu was crazy, but sometimes crazy can turn into insane. And I quickly think Lulu was a centimeter away from being insane.

“No.” she said throwing me some pants, “Now covers that thing.” I quickly pulled up the pants.

“Now we can do this the easy way or hard way.”

“Wait, what-

“Where were you yesterday evening?” Lulu asked me.

“I was at home sleeping.” I lied to her.

Yes, Lulu was insane because all of a sudden her fist went flying into my face. Damn, for a small girl Lulu had an arm.

“Ow!” I exclaimed my hand shot to my jaw, “What the hell was that for!?”

“You’re making this hard.” She said in an innocent voice.

My instinct was to move towards the door. She didn’t even try to stop me, “Bye.”

“If you leave,” She said turning around, “I’m going to tell your mother.”

My eyes brows shot up and I closed the door. She walked towards me smiling triumphantly, and mischievously, “Tell my mother what!?”

“You tell me?” she challenged, “Where were you last evening?”

I was about to lie again when Lulu raised her foot to hit me in the package, “Wait! Wait!” I begged covering it, ‘I was with Amanda in the café.”

Lulu shook   her head satisfyingly. She pushed me on the bed and got a hold of my hair, “Now the pain is going to get a little worse.”

“Oh man.” I said wincing at her grip to my poor precious hair. Tyler barely got to touch my hair. Lulu was way out of line and boundaries.

“Doing what?” Lulu asked still a hold of my hair.

“We just had coffee like civilized people.” I told her. I was telling her the truth. Well half the truth.

All of a sudden Lulu brought a pair of scissors to my hair, “Now you’re going to tell me the full truth or this lock of your precious hair is going off.”

“Fine.” I said building up the courage to tell Lulu everything, “Yesterday, Amanda and I kissed but it didn’t mean anything. Just made me realize how madly in love I was with Tyler.”

“Good.” She said letting go off my hair.

“Why the hell did you do this?” I asked, “If you already knew?”

Lulu grabbed my poor nipples and twisted it as hard as she can, “Because I wanted you to admit it, and understand what you did is bad. You need to tell her.”

“Just like how you never told Tyler about you and Jason.” I retorted folding my arms. Rubbing my nipple, they kind of became hard though.

“That’s a different story.” She said, “Plus looks where that’s gotten us. She didn’t speak to us in days. If she finds out from someone that’s not you and specifically Aman-hoe. You’re never going to see her again.”

I groaned rubbing my forehead. What have I done? I ran a hand through my hair thinking about ways to I could tell Tyler without all the drama and the spa zing out.

“Thanks Lulu.” I said raising my eyebrows I asked, “How did YOU know?”

Lulu headed towards me with a smirk on her face, “I know people.”

“Oh.” I said. It was probably the cashier.

“Bye.” She said, “Oh and-“the crazy mentally insane girl with EXTREMELY great foot power kicked me in the sacs. Oomph! I went down covering it and groaning

I looked dup and gave her an evil eye look, “What was that for?”

“For being an idiot.” She said closing the door.

I doubled onto my bed toppling over a few things in my room. As I started to think about it Lulu could’ve done all this things without the pain and all that hate. Today, I totally woke up to lots of hate.

A/N: Hey. Monroe is, and this is the most funnest chapter I ever written. I know funnest is not a word, just bear with me. Anyways, 10 votes for the next chapter. Please tell me what you thought of this chapter? I really wanna here u guys comments. Check out the pictures.

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