#35: Colly. Coby. Whatever.

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Hi guys. I'm here. I decided to let you guys have this amazing update. :) So early. SO well written in my opinion. Please enjoy it. I have to WARN. This story is coming to an end. I don't want to drag it on anymore. I don't know if I'd do a sequel. Who wants a sequel ! Comment below. What would the sequel be about? Should I add them in my story Deliver me from Eden? La DEE DEE. Bye.


So, apparently,  the paparazzi caught her with Colby. She had been telling the truth. Seeing her dressed up with a big bright smile on her beautiful face had put me in a lovestruck daze, but it still hurt. Yeah, it hurt so much to see her in the arms of another man or boy. Whatever.

Lulu suddenly slaps me in the head with a magazine. The same magazine Tyler was featured in, "Why are you so gloomy?"

I shot her a knowing look, "Because the girl of my dreams isn't mine."

Lulu makes a sad face placing her hands one by one on her heart, "Awww.." she cooed, "I'm sorry. I wouldn't know how that feels because Jason and I see each other everyday, but I miss my best friend too. I really miss her. I want her to be here too." she said placing a hand on my shoulder, "The universe has given you another chance... to make it right."

I sighed standing up and running a quick hand through my hair, " Guess there's nothing to be worried about. I'll just show up, swindle her back into my arms and watch boohoo Colby walk into the dust of shame as I ride off with my princess."

"Colby is actually quite cute. I really like his show." she said nonchantantly looking at her nails. I stare at her for a while before her eyes go wide, "Psssshhh, I mean Colby is not that cute, of course, "She snorts, "You're way more handsome. But not as handsome as Jason." Of course she had to add that last part in.

I stuff my hand in my pocket, "You should go help Jack outside in the garage, I have a feeling he probably chopped his hand off. I'm going to go upstairs and pack."

Pack? You may ask. Pack for what?

Well, I haven't told anyone at school yet. But Jason and I had entered a contest, where we'd be showcased at a concert. At first it started off as an attempt to get famous too, but obviously this was a big start for me to gain Tyler back. However, we were surprised a bit, when we won. They had informed us that we'd be opening up for Tyler Fields, and that she didn't know.

And that's when I recognized that the universe had given me a second chance at love with her. I wasn't going to stop until I had her in my arms.

Each day I had dreamt of Tyler. Her glowing brown skin, and her twinkling eyes. Especially the touch of her skinny manicure fingers and the taste of her lips. Sometimes my band caught me smiling whenever I thought of her.

Some days I had nightmares. That when Tyler see me for her concert that I'd ruin the experience for her because she didn't want to talk to me. Or, that she'd see me again and turn me down once again for that guy Coby. Whatever his name is.

And some nights, I'd dream of silly things and memories of Tyler and I. I'd sweep her up at her concert and she'd wrap her arms around me and say in a squeaky Tyler voice, 'I've been waiting for you my prince'. And Colly would come out of nowhere claiming that Tyler was his girl. And then I'll call for a dual. Whoever wins gets the princesses heart. I have no sword skill. So, Colly woops me and places the sword at my throat. I would be strong and not beg for my life. Tyler would waltz over and tell Colby that he doesn't want to be with him. And she'd pick me up kiss me, I don't know where the horse comes from but it comes. We get on and it gallops away into the sunset and we'd live happily ever after.

What an active imagination.

The song that we were singing was obviously dedicated Tyler. It was like a serenade for her. The lyrics, 'Just take my hands, hold me tight, and I'd be right by you side'. All Tyler have to do is take my hand, and I'd never ever leave her side.  Not even for Amanda.

Speaking of Amanda. She seriously avoids me now. Once, I really tried to talk to her. I honestly felt that I was being really mean since we're all child hood friends. But she turned the opposite way and walked off when she saw me. Guess, she got the message. I'll get over it.

How's the weather in Cali? I packed some shorts, and some shirts. Nothing really for the concert, our 'manager' said that she'll deal with the clothes. Looking down at my suitcase, I was done. WAIT- I was missing one thing.

The engagement Ring.  

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