#37: Wall.

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Wow, and update all week. :) I'm sorry to say but this story is going to be over soon. :( But I have to say I love you guys, and that I will make a sequel. However, I really wanna post Deliver Me From Eden, so  I would love your support. I know weird name for a chapter. :) This chapter is  dedicated to  all those #TEAMM COLBY FANS :) 20 vots for the next chapte :)

I've been practicing non-stop for a whole week. All I wanted to go is go home into my hotel room and just sleep. But of course not I couldn't, because my breakout concert had to be flawless. Any flaws, and critics would chew me up and spit me back out like crows.

Everything just felt so surreal. Just yesterday, not literally, I was a girl from Georgia who moved to New York and met a couple of lifetime friends. They've supported me with everything, even when they had to lose me to Hollywood. Life's been a rush. I definitely had my ups and downs.

I could remember Jake, mostly. His untouchable hair. Of course, I touched it. His brilliant white infectious smile. I swear, when Jake was happy we all couldn't help but put a smile on our face. He's been my best friend, through the weird things too. Like the time when I was so insecure of myself, he made me feel beautiful. When he looked at me, he made me feel like I was the only girl in the world. He'd call me every morning to wake me up, even though we lived down the block.

Once in 8th grade, god, I swear this had to be the most embarrassing time of my life. I don't know what possessed me to where bright pink pants, but I sure rightly did. That was the day I also experienced my first period. It gets worse. I was walking down the hall, when Jake grabbed me quickly and pulled me into the corner. Now, most boys would be immature and inappropriate, but he wasn't. He gave me his large sweater reaches my mid thigh. Thank God he wore oversized clothing. Although it was super embarrassing, he had my back. Jake was Jake.

What changed?

Why hadn't he called much earlier in my career. Why did it had to lead to circumstances in where I question, I love him, but do I really want to put myself in a relationship with him again? I've been through so many heart aches with him. Especially with Amanda, who at non-stop tried her best to ruin my life. I was so naive thinking that she was my friend now and that she was going to keep her paws off Jake and let us be. I was so wrong. She knew I was leaving, and she wanted my trust. She earned my trust. Jake had my trust. He broke my trust.

Then we have Colby. He's been so amazing to me. I love him, and when I say that I really do. I've said this before it was so much easier to date him. No bitter ex-girlfriends who threatens to lit my hair on my. It was easy with him. I could talk to him about anything, and he'd just listen. Not saying Jake, wasn't a good listener. He was sweet and he made me feel special.

I felt happy with Colby.

...But why did I suddenly decide to question my choice of cutting Jake off.

Of course Tyler, it was the right thing to do. He cheated on you. He cheated on you with Amanda. Amanda, the girl who spilled glue on you. The girl who poured milk on you. The girl who tortured you all your life. Yet, Jake still saw something in her worth cheating on me for. Obviously, he saw something more in her than in me. Obviously, I was nothing compared to Amanda.

And this is why I wanted Colby. I need Colby. I don't want anyone else but Colby. Jake hurt me badly. He had so many chances with me. How much more chances would I run through until we can have a settled relationship without hardships? Yes relationships are built on arguments and stuff, but I was sick of it with it. I was sick of all the baggage that came with Jake. The universe sent me to Cali for a reason. To find deep love. That was Colby.

Knock. knock. knock! That there was probably Colby. I slowly made my way to the hotel's door to open it. When I swung the door open there stood Colby with a bright smile on his face. He didn't say any words, he brushed his thumbs across my neck making me shiver. His soft gesture made me smile and I had bundled up the courage to lean in and kiss him. Colby's lips were soft and moved in my rhythm. Soon the door was closed and Colby had already traveled towards the couch with his lips still on mine.

Suddenly and surprisingly, Colby's hand had roamed up my back. He was feeling it out, I could tell, he wanted to see how I would react. And honestly I was quite freaking out. I hadn't really thought about sex. Why had my mind drifted so far to sex. Colby probably sensed my reaction and stopped kissing me. He smiled down at me, to clear that awkward touchy moment.

"How was you say babe?" he asked flopping down into my couch.

I flopped down next to him on the couch and he put his hand over mine, " I'm so exhausted!" I wined, "I'm so knockered up, I'm so lucky I had gotten this day to rest."

"Trust me, when the spotlights hit you, your adrenaline is going to rush." he said smiling, "Don't stress it."

I turned towards him, "They said someone is opening up for me."

Colby shrugs, "No one knows nothing about who won. Only your manager."

I shrug, "Thats interesting." I said, "Isn't it kind of weird that they wouldn't tell me who's opening up for me."

"I know a little something." Colby said nudging me..

My head shot to him and curiosity, "Tell me! Tell me!" I begged, "Please! Puh-lease!" I even gave him the puppy dog face, " Pweeease."

He chuckled in amusement, "All I know that it's a band."

I shot him a straight look, "I think everyone knows that!" I said hitting playfully for that.

He puts his hand up in surrender, "But it was really cute to see you begging and that puppy dog face is just so cute." he cooed pinching my cheeks. I slap his hand away and fold my arms turning from him.

Colby places a hand at my shoulders, "Aww are you are mad?"


"Babe, speak to me." he said in a more serious tone.


All of a sudden Colby lifts me off the chair and carries me over his shoulder. I start to panicked, and began slapping away at his butt. Soon, I'm plopped onto a bed and he straddles me and pins my wrists down.

"I'm speaking to you, don't ignore me." he said looking deep into my eyes. I look straight back into his. Yes, I love Colby. God, what's wrong with me, just the other day I was questioning me and him.

"Okay." That's all that squeaked out. I needed to find a way to dominate him. I lifted my head and let my lips touch his. Colby is one hormone driven boy because soon were kissing passionately and I could feel him. Literally feel him. I flip him over, and straddle him.

"I think I like this position better." Colby said wiggling his eyebrow. I removed myself off of him and slapped him with a pillow.

"I invited Jake, you know to my concert." I suddenly said to him.

"That's good." he said.

"Remember what I said about him." I said looking at his face, and I saw all emotions drained from him.

"Tyler, whatever your decision you make for yourself I'm okay with in." he said staring at the wall.

He grabbed my hands. And we stared at the wall together.

I thought of Jake.  

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