#6: Break Down

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Hi. I hope you are happy. :) Because I sure am! :)))))

#6: Break-down

It was a cold Monday evening, and our band had just finished practice. We were just heading out the school to get some pizza when we saw something we should never see. I myself was surprised at what I saw, and it made me want to puke bullets. I wonder how ever thought because I was mortified.

I couldn’t believe it happened? I couldn’t believe I saw it?

I paced back and fort in my house after I ran home. I basically tried everything for me to forget. I was scared and nervous out of my mind. And Lulu, who was blabbering about it next to me, wasn’t making it any better. I was pissed off, and I decided to take my anger out on doll. Yes, I still have dolls. I ripped its head and threw it at my window. It bounced off and knocked me in the head.

That just shows. Anger, never gets you anywhere. The question was: Why was I so angry?

It wasn’t me. I didn’t happen to me? So why was I freaking out. It was my problem so why was I even bothering. I took a few breaths in and jumped onto my bead backwards. Ahh! That felt so good and relaxing. I looked over to Lulu who biting her finger nails.

“I got pictures.” Lulu grinned, “Blackmail?”

“Oh god, I don’t even want to see it.” I said, “Black mail can make us end up in jail.”

I shook my head. Black mail is good. But risky Too, too risky?

I had to think about it.

To be continued......

A/N: Yes that is the end of the chapter. Hahaha, I know you are wondering what happened ? what did they see for them to be mortified? Well give me 10 votes and I'd post the continuation. I bet you'll be shock out of you mind? ANy guesses on what happened? Hahahahaha! I hope you still read after this. And don't forget this is in the watty awards, so please vote vote vote! :DDDDDDD

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