#8: A day Out with Jake

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I was nervous about today. Today Jake and I was finally going hang out like we were bestfriends again. We are best friends again? I just hope we are, and tonight I was going to find out. However, Jason was pestoring me. He claimed he didn’t trust Jake with me. He said that he was a player. I reassured him that he wasn’t, but Jason give me that look telling me that he knew him longer than I did. Which was true, however, Jake and I had a connection.

“Are you sure you want to go?” Jason said blocking my way to get to the other side of my kitchen. Jake was going to be here soon.

“Yes.” I said tapping him on the shoulders and walking around him with an irritated look.

“Don’t you rather just me with me?” he said giving me the puppy dog face. He knew that I was a sucker for those and I always gave him. However, not this time.

“Yes hun.” I said pecking him on the right cheek, “You know.” I kissed him on the left cheek, “But I really need.” I kissed him on the forehead, “Time with with Jake. But soon we’ll hang out.” I said finally kissing him on the lip. I stood there for a while, until the bell rang inturupting us. I retracted quickly and ran to the door.

I heard Jason groan and I gave him a look. He needed to behave. He walked to the living room and sat down one of the orange beanie bag chairs. I opened the door to a familiar face and smirked when I saw him grin. He engulfed me in a hug squeezing on the air out of me.

“Ah Jaksh gef ouf of mef.” I breath out in pants. He let go and smiled at me ruffling my hair. I gave him that look and punched him on the arm, and then I launched for the hair. He step back putting his hands out in surrender.

“Don’t ever mess with the hair.” He said with a menacing tone and face.

“Whatever.” I said rolling my eyes and walking towards his car, “So where we going.”

He appeared at my side, “Hmm, how about me take a walk to the park.”

I smiled, “I guess.”

“What that isn’t enough for you.” He said tugging me closer to him. I felt butterflys flutter in my stomach but soon they disappeared when deep in my brain Jason’s voice played like a tape recorder stuck on replay.

I let go of his grasp and put some space between us, “Yes. I was just…..”

“You was just….?” He said looking down at me, I could feel his brown eyes gaze at me. I looked up at him and quickly reverted my gaze to the car that looked really expensive.

“Nothing. Just nothing.” I said quietly.

“You know.” He said softly, that really surprised me. Jake wasn’t really a softy and this manner of his voice surprised me; “I’ve been missing you. Missing us.”

“I’ve been here. You saw me like everyday.” I said smiling at him. I walked into the park and Jake leaned down and picked a flower from the grass. He covered my eyes as he led me to and unknown place. He removed them and here I was sitting on a bench, under a tree, with a view of a lake.

“It’s not the same.” He said sitting down next me, “Jason has you all to himself.”

I laughed, “Is someone jealous.”

“No.” he said giving me a straight face.

I held my hands to my heart, “I’m hurt.”

He slid closer to me, “Then don’t be.” His eyes gazing into my eyes. I felt lost in his brown eyes, that I didn’t care about what was going on. I was just happy I was with him. That I was next to him. I could feel his breath on me. I leaned in to kiss him his lips barely touching me, however he turned his head and looked off into the lake. I felt a tint blush coming onto my face.

“I’m sorry.” I said picking up my stuff to leave. I felt very embarrassed. I just wanted to slap myself continuously. He doesn’t like me that way. Get over it.

“Don’t be.” He said not looking at me. He folds his hands and I gaze at the outfit he was wore. A black and white plaid shirt with a v-neck shirt and black jeans. I shook my head. Get over it.

“Why won’t you kiss me?” I said leaning back not looking at him.

“Because you’re my second best friend girl.” He said finally looking at me; he softly turns my chin, “Trust me. You don’t know how much I was to kiss you. But I can’t. I just can’t.”

I felt my heart beating in my chest really fast as he said that to me. I couldn’t believe my ears. He wanted to kiss me? Oh my god! I looked at him; I could see my brown skin reflecting in his eyes. He just wanted to kiss me. It’s not like he asked me to be his girl. For the whole time we talked about random things. We catch up like we haven’t seen each other in years. It was a nice day. It was a nice day out with Jake.

However, we had to get back home. The walk home was cool, and Jake was making fun of me. I tripped over my foot when we were walking. He didn’t even hold out his hands to catch me. Loser. I invited him inside to get some juice. His favorite Lemonade made from my mom. He had always loved it. I turned the key and pushed open the door.

I walked into the kitchen first to get two glasses out. Jake walked into the living room. I poured out the juice and grabbed the two cups out and walked where Jake was. Jake was standing there pissed off. The glass dropped from my hand as I viewed the seen. I couldn’t believe what happened, but boy my blood was boiling.

So that would be the end of A day out with Jake however, I’m feeling a little good today I guess. So enjoy this continuation. J However its only a sneak peak. To read the rest how about 15 votes?


Jason stood on the floor clutching his nose surround by a pool of blood. Jake shook out his fist again ready for another blow however I grabbed him, by now tears was already sprung from my eyes. Why did Jake punch Jason? The answer was all in the blonde hoe in a mini skirt, with a dirty smug look forming on her face as she looked upon.

Wait. It got to my head. My Jason, the one who was also the second closes to me, cheated on me with, with Amanda. No way! I lost control and launched on Amanda. I grabbed her hair yanking it continuously. I grabbed on it, yanking it back and forth. She yelled out a scream.

“You dirty hoe!” I yelled slapping her in the face and kicking her. Her hair fell out by pieces. I mean I was in rage. I grabbed her by the throat pushing her into the wall. Jake ran up and grabbed me I threw my hands out and scratched her chest. She gasped, and looked at me. Jason had tears in his eyes. I looked at Jason as he looked at me.

“Get out my house.” I said to Amanda. I grabbed her and pushed her out. She looked at me, and walked out the house.

I turned my attention back to Jason, “its over.” And with that I slapped him. So hard I probably you could se my DNA on his face.

Did you like the sneak peak. Ohhh a twist, can you believe that Jason cheated on Tyler. Or maybe he didn’t. What happened? How about you give me 15 votes and the next chapter would be up in a flash. Oh and sorry about the mistakes. I’ll edit later.

I know my chapters are getting shorter and shorter, but hey, if you give me 20 votes, I promise hmmm, i'll make the chapter 5 pages long, withh surprises.

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