#14: Down MemorY Lane

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Hi I haven't posted her for a long time. I can't belive that i'm on chapter 13 already. I can't believe I continued on this story. 8 votes for the next chapter. Thiss is a short and sweet one, but it reveals aot. I hope you ike.

Not editied.

#14: Down Memory Lane

I can’t lie Tyler and I have gone through some crazy things. When we were youngsters back then we were always together. It was like had a sister, but obviously things changed well over time. I went to prom with her. Nothing more than a sister and a bestfriend.  The little fluffy head kid had a lot of things going on. Puberty, was one of the things I blame on, and my over detailed teacher who taught us about the human body and hormones.

As much as I tried to tell myself no, that day I looked at Tyler differently. Well in all honesty, I noticed her body differently. Unlike Lulu, who I knew all my life, Tyler had boobs. Okay, that’s being a perv but in a funny type of way. She had curves.

It’s stupid for me to be surprised but Tyler was a black girl in a white school. Not every day we see such curvy figure. However, I was hype when she auditioned. I got closer to her eventually. We were different.

Tyler was hot and she didn’t even know it. I saw the way she looked on when a guy would ask a girl to  prom in some cheesy way. So I decided to do the same, however in a super duper, way.

So a few nights before prom, I invited Tyler over to my house. Something we both had in common is that we both loved pizza. So being the gentle man I opened the door, and invited her in.

She smiled on upon me as a cheesy grin crossed my tanned face. Thoughts were racing through my mind crazy. Was she going to like the way I asked her? She cackled as she pushed me aside to get through the door. As she brushes pass me and heads to the den. I can’5t help but notice something new about her. It was her once nappy, curly locks were now straightened. I never observed how long her hair was. She did look beautiful.

The television volume blasted and snapped me out of my confused thoughts. Strolling towards the den Tyler was texting on the phone she had got for her birthday. I picked up one of my mothers heavenly imaged threaded pillow and flung it at her head.

She looked up from her phone and gave me an evil glare. I stepped back a step, and then ran towards her landing on top of her. She scoffed and pushed my head and body off. Well she tried.

“You’re heavy for a fourteen year old.” She said tugging at my hair. I honestly loved when she pulled at my hair.

“You mean young. It’s all muscle baby, its  taken up by muscle weight.” I said wiggling my eyebrows at her.

“Don’t call me babe.” She said as I threw a wink at her. I didn’t want to be a fool and ask a already asked girl to prom. Rejection hurts.

“Luke Jackson did.” She said rolling her eyes Tyler hated Luke because he ended her first girl as a friend relationship. You know the ones where this one dates the popular boy and forgets about friendship. Beisdes that Luke used her friend to get close to Tyler. The rest is history. Ever since he never stopped, however I guess he changed. There is a huge percent that she said yes because of desperateness, if that’s even a word.

“And….” I said trailing off urging her to continue.

“And I said no.” she said with that sexy attitude I’ve always loved so much. She folded her hands and leaned back into the chair sighing, “ What about you? Did any of your ‘groupies’ ask you. Or worse that b-i- to the Tch Amanda ask you?”

I rolled my eyes at her comment towards Amanda. I can’t say she didn’t deserve it, “ No.”

“Wow, must popular voice in the school haven’t been asked yet?” She said making her honey brown skin with a shocked look.

“Shutup.”I felt as if this was the best time to ask her. I’m sure she’s hungry right about now, “Babe, are you hungry.”

A grin placed her face as she said, “I thought you never ask.”

I got up and leaded her to the kitchen, “I hope you like pizza, I ordered extra cheese.”

She smirked, “You know I love pizza.” She said grabbing the box. I smiled knowing something she didn’t know. She opened the box; she quickly grabbed a pizza, until she read what was on the box.

It said: ‘I know this is kind of cheesy, but will you go to prom with me, Tyler.’

She turned around slowly with a surprise look painted on her beautiful face. A goofy smile appeared on my face as soon as her hazel contacts met my pool of browns. She ran and hugged me, and whispered yes.

Now she was leaving me, and I didn’t even tell her how I feel yet.

I *******I woulld reallylove if someone could make me some banners.It'd be realy nce and cooll. Don'tforgetto vote for the next chapter. remember 8 votes.

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