#15: The Apple

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Hi! I know I haven't posted, but here I am. THIS CHAPter may have mistakes but soon as I am done, I'll go through edited, and it'll be way better than it was before. I thank you guys for the past votes it means alot. I don't want to make this authors note long. I just want you to just jump into the story. Oh yeah, Lebron got his ring! YAY! loLS, thought Miami brought us all this rain. BTW, I live in New York. Finally school is over and I can post and update my story. I plan to finish this story by the next two weeks and work on my others. Don't forget to check out the rest of my stories, if you like this oe I'm sure you're gonna like the rest. Lols.:D Bye. Ten votes for the next chapter, trust me its gonna be surprising. :OOOOOO 

#15: The Apple

Edgar A. Guest

You are the person who has to decide. Whether you'll do it or toss it aside; you are the person who makes up your mind. Whether you'll lead or will linger behind. Whether you'll try for the goal that's afar. Or just be contented to stay where you are.

My mom came home today surprisingly with a smile on her face. I don’t know why but she seemed weirdly happy today. Normally, she isn’t. I shook of the thoughts remembering what I needed to talk to her about. It was about me going to L.A. for music. I was unsure about going, but my heart told me that I really wanted to go.

Anna Fields looked exactly like me, except see was more southern. Sometimes it would get embarrassing because of how he spoke. However, she was the best mother ever, and I learned to accept her over time. She was my mother. Her hair was wrapped up tight in a bun and she toss her keys onto the kitchen table.

“Tyler!” she called slipping off her shoes and placing them behind the plant that laid by the wooden door.

“Yes, mom.” I said smiling at her she walked over and pecked me on my forehead. I wiped off the kiss and sat down on the couch.

“How was school?” she asked smiling at me.  I leaned back and sighed. School wasn’t so great today.

Amanda. Ever since Jake got back with Amanda, all she’s ever been is annoying. She’d send me snide remarks and glares. Or call me a man stealer, though I never stole her man. He broke up with her. My question is, why did he even get back with her. After all the crap she’d done to this band and me, he had the nerve. Maybe he felt bad.

Back to the point, out of all the things she ever did to me, this had to be about the worse. My mom had decided that I can get my hair chemically relaxed. It’s basically called a perm. Amanda isn’t stupid, and I’m sure she’s not mentally challenged. I was speaking with Jake; of course he’s my best friend. We did the little thing that we did every day.

“I have a apple.” I said to him. I hated apples they tasted like dirt, and normally we would switch. He’d eat anything. He has a large appetite, trust me.

“Banana.” He said holding his hand out to give it to me. I take it out his hand, and tossing the apple to him. I peeled the banana and took a large bite out. I curiously watched him as he observed his apple. What was wrong with it? He smiled and took a bite.

“Are you okay?” I said stressing the okay, so he can get the point that at this moment that I thought he was crazy.

“No. I love apples.” He said smiling at me with an arch eyebrow.

I give him a disgusting look as I took a bite of my beautiful banana, “They taste like dirt.”

He nodded his head, he was obviously thinking about something, he stared down at his apple, until saying, “ You know why the apple is called the forbidden fruit?”

I nodded my hand, “Yeah, I go to church. They told me the story.”

He smiled, “It’s like story of our lives. Everyone has a choice.”

“I know.” I said trying to see what his point was.

“Just like Adam and Eve had a choice to either eat from the tree they weren’t suppose to touch.” He said taking another bite of the apple, “I believe that god gave everyone a choice. You have the choice to either do good or do bad. Life is made of decisions. The right decision may lead you a good path.” He said staring down at his jeans, “You know, I know you’ve been thinking about L.A.”

I looked up at him, “It’s just that, I don’t want to leave my friends behind. What about my mother? She only have me her, one and only daughter. I can’t leave this or you.”

He smiled taking my hand, “Stop saying you can’t. You will always have a place in our hearts. I’m sure you can be able to visit.”

“I don’t know.” I said shrugging my shoulders.

“This is a great opportunity for you. We already know how much you wanted to be a singer. This is finally your chance. Why give it away.” He said trailing off, “I have  something to tell you.”

My head snapped up face his, “What?”

He rubbed his elbows repeatedly; he wouldn’t even make eye contact. I looked up at him hoping he would catch my eye and he did. He softly smiled and said, “Tyler we’ve been friends for look. I don’t know how to say this but Tyler I love…..if you can call me every day when you leave.” He smiled.

I forced a smile, “Sure. I will. I’ll miss you too.”

“I love you bestfriend.” He said in a girly voice.

I cracked a laugh, “Me too.”

Just then Amanda walked up and scowled at me yanking Jake up with his arm. She shot me death glares as I continued to eat my banana in slow bites. She thought she was going to have the best of me. I just smiled sweetly at her.

“Hi Amanda.” Jake said to her in a slight irritated voice. She was oblivious to how he felt right now about her being there.

“Why are you with her?” she sneered getting directly to the point.

He looked up at her like she was crazy, “She’s my bestfriend.”

“Why can you be like any boy in this school.” She said sighing, “having a best friend that’s a boy. You was suppose to have lunch with me.”

“Sorry, but he’s having lunch with me.” I said giving her a sweet smile. It must of come off as sarcastic  because afterwards she pretended to trip and her bottle water landed in my hair, without the cap on. Jake caught her as she fell, and she pretended to have a hurt ankle. He offered to take her to the nurse, and she nodded yes. When they walked off, Jake bidding his goodbye, Amanda turned around and gave me a nasty smile.

Ugh, I hated her. She found every way to ruin my life. She kept Jake in such tight rope, gosh. I patted my head, but it was already starting to frizz. I can’t believe she did that.

So I’m here at home, trying to explain to my mom. How my day was bad. I’m sure Jake wasn’t just going to tell me  that he would love for me to call him every day. Something was out of place, and I was going to get to the bottom of it.

I ran upstairs and dialed Lulu’s number on my cell phone. The phone rang a few times until her voice shot through the phone like a boomerang. I placed the phone right back at my ear, “Hi lulu.”

“Tyler monkey, what’s up.” She said, I could hear her chewed gum in the back ground.

“I need your help.” I said to her.

“In,” chew, chew, “ what?”

“I want to find out what Jake really feels about me. He’s just been weird lately.”

“Okay, talking about boys. I have something to tell you.”


“I …………..

Hey my friends. Chapter is over. Please tell me what you think about about. 10 votes for the next chapter. Since school Is over, I can post whenever I want. Yay! 

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