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So hi. I'm planning on doing 36 chapters or more. And please vote because i'm in the watty awards. And comment. I need comments. I'd really love to know what you thinbk. People's been asking me when am I going upload my other stories. As soon as this one comes to an end, because its easy to focus on one book. I wanna make as good as this one. Things are changing in this chapter. I bet you'd be surprised. :O

#18: Frenemies



I whipped around the corner until I saw something; I’m guessing I was suppose to see. Why am I always in this position? I have no idea, but yeah I am. I mean, I’m great at minding my business. But not when it has to do with one of my friends. One of my band members. My ex. Yes, I’m talking about the one and only Jason.

I stepped back a little, trying to catch my breath. Trying to figure out what in the world was going on here. Okay. Breathe. I understand that he was kissing. Fine that’s legal that okay, he’s a growing boy with hormones. I totally understand. He was kissing Amanda? Wait, did I just think Amanda. I wiped my head around the corner, yes it is Amanda. Jason’s face covered her face, but the blonde hair…. He was the same one who called her a hoe. Did he really think that she had really changed? Gosh, I wanted to puke.

Until I tried to sneak by without them sneaking about. AhhH! Oh god, not at this moment. I didn’t want to seem like a free. I tried that thing where you can hold your sneeze bye covering your nose, Ahhh! Ahhh! Holds nose. Ahhhh bluchchooooo! Gosh, that sure didn’t work. Because when I tried to tippy toe away. Someone called out my name.

“Tyler!” they called out. It was Jason’s voice. However, I ignored it. I just shrugged his voice off, humming a tune, and walked away slowly.

“Tyler, I know you hear me.” He said, “Walking slow isn’t making it seem like you didn’t hear me.”

I froze. So what helps? Walking at a normal pace.  I wanted to smack my self, mentally.  Jason touched my shoulder. I didn’t want to turn around but I did.

“Hi.” I breath out throwing my hand up, the sign to say hi.

He looked down at me with a knowing smirk. As if he knew exactly what I seen, and what I was trying to do. I was trying to get away until my medling sneeze got into my way. If it wasn’t for that medling sneeze, I would’ve got away. I needed to lay off the Scooby doo shows, and maybe the snacks.

His look was killing me, “Okay fine I saw.” I said letting all the air I had out.

He smiled. Why was this fool smiling? I mean, Jason Is always the rule breaker, cutting class to make out with girls. But he was kissing Amanda. He’s smiling because I found out he skipped to kiss Amanda!

I raised an eyebrow, “You’re smiling because you skipped to kiss Amanda?”

His smirk faded as I said Amanda. He shook his head as walked back. I didn’t know whiter to leave or just stand there. So I decided just to stand there. Maybe he would come back with Amanda. In other words…. Lulu?

He came back with lulu! It all came rushing down on me, Lulu was the girl he was kissing. Lulu, doesn’t skip class. Oh god, what is going on! 

But Lulu she told me something else . That phone call. I could remember the same exact words she said to me.

“I go out with Luke.” Well something like that. But those were the words processed in my hand. She was cheating on Luke with Jason. What type of low mannered thing Lulu did? After all that Luke had done, she’d go cheat on him. He didn’t deserve that.

A frown placed on my face, I sneered out, “Lulu I can’t believe you’d cheat on Luke with ugh Jason. I mean, you could atleast have some class. I guess they’re right, blonds do think alike.” I said and I stormed off towards the exit. Class was already over, and kids were already starting to leave.

I know that was mean to say to some one you call your so call best friend. Well, my so-call best friend hurt Luke. Did Jason even know that she was dating Luke? What was going on. I waited by Jake’s car, waiting for him to come and take me home. I  closed my eyes, and took in a deep breath. When my eyes opened Amanda was standing there with a look, that was so unfamiliar.

I stared back at her with a confused look. Why was she here?

She flipped her hair back and sighed, “Look, I know you don’t want to see my face.”

I looked at her a couple of times and blinked, “Honestly, I don’t know why you’re talking to me.”

She frowned, “I’m sorry.”

I raised my eyebrow, “You’re saying sorry. Listen, I’m glad I can hear those words from your mouth, but you’ve been torturing me since middle school. Sorry isn’t going to wash the bad memories away. Sorry isn’t going to replace what happen to Jake and I’s friendship before. I don’t need your sorry.”

“You think its easy for me to say sorry right now. I’m trying to change for the best. I just want a fresh start. I mean, we don’t have to be friends, but I rather we at least be frenemies.”

“Why do you hate me so much?” I asked her folding my arms and leaning back into the car.

She looked on to me,  looking for the right words to say, “ It was in 6th grade. When you first came to the school. Jake and I were pals. Our parents always use to say we’d end up together. Jake, Lulu and I. And then he was holding band auditions. I auditioned, but he turned me down.”

“Then I auditioned.” I said softly

“Yeah, you auditioned and instantly, you guys were like inseparable. Always together, nothing could’ve never break you guys apart. Jason came, soon Jack and Kacey. I hated you because you had all the real friends, I’ve been working to get. So, that’s when I started dressing differently trying to get his attention. It worked, but it didn’t work for the 8th grade prom because he went with you. That day I was insanely jealous because you guys were slow dancing. I wish that was me in his arms.”

I shook my head thinking about what she just said to me, “ Listen.  I didn’t mean to take Jake away from you. I didn’t know. I was insanely jealous of you because he liked you like a girlfriend.”

She opened her eyes wide, “You like Jake.”

“No.” I said lying

“Yes you do.” She said smiling, “Don’t worry. I’ve changed, after what Jake said to me gave me a reality check. I’m over him, he’s wasn’t for me.” She said smiling, “ Luke was.”

A/N: Hi everyone. Sorry I didn’t upload for days. It was my birthday week and I was insanely busy with independence day, and then coney island. Today was my only free day to upload. 10 votes for the next chapter. XOXO.

~ Viragoo

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