#32: Gina Jawe

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Colby grabbed my hands as he swung it back in fort. We were in our usual uniform. Looking all preppy, and as usual I was side by side with Colby. I let go of his hands when we walked into school. Although our somewhat of a non-girlfriend and boyfriend relationship, the media had made it clear that Colby and I were officially in a relationship. Well, the media told half the truth. In the back of my mind, I knew somewhat that the news had spread to New York, obviously with the so many sources to get to our business. I’m not surprised that Jake had walked past a news stand and saw our faces. Or what so happened to have a magazine or worse T.V..

And I hated that.

Because although I broke up with him, I didn’t want him to feel that he wasn’t enough for me. I just wanted him to understand that things deserve consequences. I’ve forgiven him to many times, he’s just going to have to deal.

And that sure didn’t mean that I didn’t still have the feelings I had for Jake. Because if you thought I didn’t, then you were wrong. Jake would always be my first love, but I guess things change. I still love him, but like I said for now I needed some space.

Colby was a great guy. He made me smile, and he made me feel welcome. And for some reason he didn’t waste any time telling me he liked me. No problems no issues. No trampy ex girlfriends who tortured you. He didn’t come with a baggage. Jake had took way to long to take me. And when he finally did, he ruined it by kissing Amanda. Now if it was some other girl I’d get over it quicker than you say Amanda is a tramp. But since it was Amanda, then yuck, it hurt me, and drove me to Colby.

Things that start have an end.

Love doesn’t die the people just change.

I looked up at Colby and smiled at him. He brushed his shoulders on me. I giggled at him encounter. I didn’t want people to start talking about us. I’m sure they wouldn’t care. Right.

I was wrong.

As soon as we entered the hallway together I were bombared with a bunch of stares and looks. I mean, I can’t blame them for staring, Colby was somewhat famous and I’m sure there were tons of girls crushing and wanting him even more. But no one seemed upset, I guess everyone has suspected us to go out. We’d been hanging around a lot, and people had assumed we had got together.

“I  don’t know why they’re amazed at your beauty.” Colb y said winking at me.

I laughed, “That was the most corniest compliment.” I said bumping him, “But I love corny. Thanks.”

Colby stops me in my traps jumping infront of me. He grabs my hands and pulls me close. I couldn’t help but smile. He smiled showing off his adorable dimples and I felt my knees go weake when he looked me in the eyes, “You are beautiful.” He said kissing me.

Public display of affection was never me but I kissed him I felt as if I was the only girl around and there was no one around. Kissing Jake, I worried that there were some physco chick behind me ready to cut or burn my hair. I can recall Amanda saying something like that.

“No PDA!” yelled one of the teachers. I turned around blushing and recognizing that it was Ms. Licoln, she then smiled at her. She too approved of our untitled relationship. It was nice that I could like a boy without any worries.

The bell rang and I went off to class leaving Colby heading the other way. I honestly couldn’t wait to see London, who had also became my friend over the course of the time. London, somewhat reminded me of Lulu, except London was a little more shapely. When I mean shapely, I mean Sir-Mix-A lot I like big butts shapely. London, besides Colby, was the only one who attempted to talk to. I mean the rest of the kids were just a bunch of pricks, but I’m use to folks like that.

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