#22: In Jake's Head

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Hi fellow Wattpaders enjoy this chapter in Jake’s point of view. J

#22: In Jakes Head

I regretted not showing up at Tyler’s departure. I could’ve seen her beautiful face one last time. Damn, I need to loosen up. Atleast Amanda delivered my letter. Hopefully. It’s hard to admit that hey maybe Amanda changed for the better. Maybe Tyler is right. Maybe Amanda is good.

Tyler’s gone. I have no idea when I’m going to see her. Will I ever see her face again? You know the thing that I’m most scared about is that while in L.A. she’ll meet someone that’ll weep her off her feet quicker than I did. God, I hope that doesn’t happen. Tyler’s a great girl, with a great personality, and great smile. She was just great all around. She was like my drug, my crack, my cocaine, my wine, she was my everything. No she is my  everything. I just took too long to say and express that.

How could I been so oblivious to her signs. She obviously dated Jason to get my attention. Right? Jason was just a way to get me. I knew I had feelings for her, I was just too afraid to admit my feelings for her. I was scared to have a relationship with her. She is my best friend. I just didn’t want to ruin our relationship. I still failed. I hurt her way to many times. I took too long to defend her when Amanda was creating the mess she did when she didn’t change.

It’s been a week since Tyler left and it hasn’t been the same. There was no one at my locker waiting for me for lunch. God, I yearned for her kiss, her sweet, soft, and tender lips. Leaning my head against the lunch table I zoned off thinking about the first time I saw Tyler. It was about in the 8th grade. She came about Christmas time. She was my Christmas present. Thanks Santa. Seeing her face, I already knew that this girl was for me. I’ve never gotten butterflies in my stomach or the fast heart rate. What boy gets butterflies in their stomachs? Tyler did all this.

“Jake! Earth to Jake.” Jake said to me. Everyone on the table stared at me. I soon got irritated because I hated when people stared at me, It drove me off edge. I looked up and just simply took a sip of my Coke.

“That’s been like the second time today. What’s going on in that brain of yours?” Lulu asked me. It’s like she knew I was daydreaming about Tyler.

I smiled reassuringly at Lulu and everyone else on my table, “Guy’s I’m fine.”

Lies. All lies. I wasn’t fine. My heart was hurting me. I probably sounded like a girl, whipped, and unmanly. I don’t care. I could care less. There’s no one here to impress. I’ll eventually get over it. Start dating again. Did I even say that? I wonder what Tyler is doing right about now.

“Hey Jakey.” Someone said snapping me out of my daydream again. This time I knocked over my Coke. Only Tyler called me Jakey. Looking up I expected to see Tyler there with a smile telling me that she couldn’t leave me. That she loves me, and her heart hurts too. Too my disappointment, it was only Amanda. I think the disappointment showed on my face because her smile evolved into a frown.

“What’s up with him?” she asked looking around.

Shaking my head and wiping up the mess I once again stated that I am fine. Why couldn’t they just believe me. Who gave Amanda right’s to call me Jakey. Ah! Why am I freaking out?

“So, have you seen the dancing money.” Jack said changing the subject, “It’s like so adorable.”

“You know what’s adorable the talking bear video. It’s like I wuv wu.” Lulu said giggling facing Jason who kissed her on the nose.

“I wuv wu too babe.” Jason said smiling at her.

I groanded and rolled my eyes because one they’re showing public display of affection. Something that I yearn to do. Second, I use to call Tyler, Tyler bear and I have her a teddy bear too. Why did everything remind me off her?

“Jake, are you sure you’re okay?” Jason asked with an unsure look on his face.

Getting pissed off I stood up and exclaimed, “Yes! I’m okay! Now can you guys sop asking me that!’

Everyone on the table was in complete shock about my outburst. I just looked at them and walked away from the table running a hand through my hair. I just needed to be away. Alone.

“Jake come back!” Kacey called out to me. Ignoring them I walked out the lunchroom into the hallway. I was hallucinating because I swore I saw Tyler and I laughing about the dance or at my locker where we declared that Neon Trees is an awesome band. Leaning against the locker I slid down resting my face in my palm.

“For a very popular boy you seem to not be acting like it.” I’d know that voice anywhere.

“Amanda, I just want to be left alone.” I said keeping my face in my palm.


“Don’t call me that.” I snapped at her.

“Sorry. Jake, you know just like everyone else I once was your friend, and we’ve known eachother all our lifes. Before I was your best friend. Now look at me? Who am I to you? I know I messed things up but look at it on the bright side. I’ve seen what I did wrong, and decided to change.” Amanda said all of a sudden.

I smiled a memory coming back to my head, “You remember It was in third grade, and Ms. Gaberson took us to ride pony’s and you were terribly afraid of the pony, so she made you ride with me.”

“Oh yeah.” Amanda said smiling, “You remember my famous pigtails.”

Laughing I responded, “Those were the days.”

“Yeah I know.” She said frowning all a sudden.

“Why did you change?” I asked her with a soft voice. I just needed to know why. Amanda was so cool before, so approachable, so not how she is right now, well before.

She shuffled a little bit. Guess I hit a soft spot. She looked up at me and said, “After Tyler arrived our friendship just went south. You just began gushing over her and soon hanging out with her and taking her out to the pizza shop. I felt abandoned and lonely so my only thing left to do is be  mean and dress more older and sexy. Hoping that I’ll catch your eye, and well be your girlfriend.” She said with an embarrassed look on her face, “That didn’t even work because you asked her to the prom. Which just set me off right there. Ninth grade year I succeeded because obviously we dated. Those were the best time of our life. Your kissed were amazing. I just loved the way I felt in your arms. I just wanted you all to myself. Even with dating you, Tyler still the main girl in your life. I just hated her and blamed her for it all.”

“Wow.” Was all I could have said? Amanda was jealous of Tyler’s and I relationship. Maybe I did kind of abandon her but that was because she started acting all weird. I was an eighth grader, my hormones were running wild, Tyler was the most hottest girl I ever saw if you know what I mean.

“Sorry to overwhelm you. its fine now and I know you miss her and I bet she misses you greatly too.” Amanda said patting my shoulder.

“Well, I really home she misses me.”

Brrnngg! Brrrnnggg! The bell rang interrupting our convo, and soon kids would be piling out there classes and lunch room. I quickly got to my feet and helped Amanda up.

“Well, I got to get going.” I informed her. My class was all the way across the campus.

“Wait,” Amanda said holding onto my arm to keep me from getting away, “Would you like to go ice skating with me tomorrow. You know as friends?”

I was about to decline, but maybe going ice skating would be different and new. And hopefully to get me back on my feet. Sending her a smile I replied, “Sure can’t wait.”

A/N : Sorry that it’s so short, but how about 10 votes for the next chapter! Ahh, he’s going ice skating with Amanda. Hmmm, what do you guys think? See Ya….

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