#4: Coke War

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I’m back and I got the amount of votes I needed, so I’m extra happy, because I got them in a day. So for the next chapter I’m hoping for at least 15 votes J If that not too hard, since this in the watty awards. Very important Authors Note at the end! So please read it!

Coke Wars Chapter 4

Jason angrily punched the table as I told him the news of what happened with Jake and me yesterday. I didn’t want to tell him, But I thought I band should’ve known. Even Jason, who was simply and ill tempered boy. However, I hate keeping things from him.

“He ditched us for Amanda!” he said pacing around with each drum sticks in his hand. He carry’s those drumsticks around as luck, which is weird, because they’re just drumsticks.

“Look Jason, he just wanted to watch his girlfriend.”

“There you go defending him again.” He said taking a step towards me, “You like him or something.”

“No.” I said looking him in the eye. Jason was so oblivious to my lie, “I don’t. I just don’t like attacking my bestfriend.”

He puts down his drumsticks on the glass counter of my mom’s house. Jason came over to my house to pick me up to take me to school since Jake wasn’t talking to me at all. He grabs his bag and throws it on his back. He looks me up and down and walks towards the refrigerator and grabs a sunny-D bottle and throws it into my bag. I smirk up at him. He picks up the drumsticks and clutches them in one hand.

“Why do you carry those drumsticks everywhere around?” I asked looking up at him. Just like Jake Jason was tall too.

“That, Ms. Fields is a mystery you must find out on your own.” He said pushing me slightly, it was only like 7.30; we needed to be in school by eight.

“We have time, you could tell me!”  I said pulling him back down onto the couch.

He sits down and rests the sticks on the chair and glances over to them, “My great-grandfather passed it down, and he was the best ever drum player you’ve ever seen. So I’m going to follow in his steps and be the most frickin greatest drum beater, and be someone one day.”

“That’s a pretty short story.” I said smiling at him, “Well trust me you’re one hell of a drum beater!”

“Thanks!” he said pulling me up into a hug.  I looked up at him when he didn’t let go. All my feelings that I had for Jason flooded back down to me. He leaned down and kissed me on the lips. I closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes he had a smirk on his face and was walking towards the door. What is it with me getting kissed lately?

During the car ride I didn’t say anything.  He glanced over at my fidgeting fingers. I looked out the window at the couple who I knew walked passed holding hands. A frown formed on my face as I saw them walk passes the car with laughing. I wanted to be in a relationship so bad.

“Why did you kiss me?” I said suddenly turning to him. He stopped at a red light as he looked across at me.

“Because I wanted too and….” He said smirking at me.

I looked at him waiting for him to finish, “And….?”

“And I like you.” He said pausing, “Like a lot.”

I felt my breath being caught by a rope. I can’t believe Jason said this to me. Jason liked me! I liked Jason for so many years and he never showed any interest in me. Jake. What about Jake? I couldn’t keep Jake from me being happy. He was happy with Amanda. No matter how much I loved and liked him, I couldn’t keep putting off the boys who asked me out, with an exception of Luke Jackson, because I had no attraction to him what so ever.

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