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Hi, I want to thank all the people who commented and voted on my last chapter. I hope to get more reads, because I'm extra excited about writing this story. Like I said before in the last chapter, this story hits a bit of a race problem, but I hope everyone is mature enough to you know take it. Because the main character is black, and she's crushing on a white boy. But besides that I hope you like it. 10 votes for the next chapter. I'm just trying it out. :))))))))

Awesome!!!!! Thanks again. Dedication? Sure. I'd be glad to!

'Ms. Monroe

No my name is not Virago Monroe, it's just my pen name. It is kinda my name. Whatever. I'm gonna begin with the story now.


I looked at Kacey like she lost her mind. No way was I kissing Jake. I could feel my face heat up in emabrassment. See? This was the type of embarrassment I was trying to refrain from. I looked across to Jake who was shocked, however he didn’t look like he was embarrassed. However, Amanda, wow was she pissed!

“No way he’s not kissing her!” Amanda exclaimed infuriated, “ I don’t care if it’s a dare or not. Cut her hair off, she’ll could always where weave or extensions, whatever!”

That crossed the line. She didn’t have to stereo type me.

Jake glanced over at Amanda who was read and he put his arm around her, “Calm down babe. I won’t do it if you don’t want me too.”

I felt my heart break slowly. He basically…sighs.

“No Jake!” Lulu said, “That’s the dare so do it. Amanda had a fun time smooching over there with Jason.”

“It was a fun time for me.” Jason piped in earning him a pillow thrown to the head by Lulu.

Jake looks at me and then at Amanda, and then at me, “Um…”

“Fine.” Kacey said, “In the closet.”

Like that’s better.

“You’re really going to into the closet with naps?” Amanda said folding her arm and pouting like a baby.

This time Jakes expression changed he got and looked at Amanda with a disgusted look, “Don’t call her that, and don’t talk to her like that. She is my bestfriend okay. Please respect her the same way she respects you.” Jake grabs my hand and pulls me up leading me to the closet, “ And yes, I am going into the closet with Tyler.”

Kacey squealed as Jake pulled me towards the closet. Jake got in and locked the door. The click scared me a little. I mean I was nervous and scared. I was locked in a closet with the most cutest boy ever. I stepped back because it was a tight space.

“You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” I said to him grabbing the lock to come out.

His breath basically on my cheek he had leaned down, “But I want to.”

“What about Amanda?” I said stepping back some more.

“What about her?” He said pushing me back onto the wall. I couldn’t breathe. I can’t believe this was happening. Can’t believe this was happening right now.

“Jake?” I said looking up at him, “What’s going on.”

With that he leans down and kisses me. I don’t kiss him back because I’m in shock off what just happened. He  comes up and smirks.

“Look normal, like nothing happened okay?” he said walking out. He walked out and I couldn’t believe what just happen.

I stood in the closet a little longer than usual. I smacked my self a few times to get rid of the smile that was soon starting to appear on my face. When I walked out I saw Kasey and Lulu smiling widely. Why were they smiling like idiots? Even if we did kiss, it was like a peck, more like kissing a sister.

“What the hell happened in there?” Amanda asked angrily

Jake sighed and looks down at her at the corner of his eyelid, “I just kissed her on the cheek. However, you know how clumsy Tyler can be so she knocked over a shelf of towels, and well I helped her pick it up.”

Did he just lie? Yes he did.

I glanced at him and he gave me a knowing smirk. Out side my face was neutral but inside I was yelling, ‘Oh my god! Oh my god! I just kissed Jake!’

The night went by well, and I was still a little uncomfortable around Jake. I had no idea what this would have made us. He still has Amanda. Please, I was kidding my self I was still his ‘clumsy’ best friend. He said to act like nothing happened. Well nothing did, I didn’t even kiss him back. Everyone left to go home except Lulu.

“Are you gonna tell me what happened in that closet?” Lulu said placing her right hand on her hips. She was looking at me intently and it creeped me out a bit.

I sighed, “Nothing happened.” I lied. I wasn’t very a good liar, so I wouldn’t be surprise if she see’s right through my lie.

“Liar.” She said walking closer to me, “Tell me.”

I looked around, and sat down, “ MeAndJakeKissedInTheCloset!” I said really fast to her.

“OMG! Totes! I can’t believe this-

“Shush!” I said cutting off, “It doesn’t mean anything. I didn’t even kiss him back. It was like a peck, done and over, and I bet he felt no sparks.”

She giggled, “Not with the smirk he came out in.”

“Shutup!” I said throwing a pillow smacking her in the head.

“You should’ve seen Amanda. She was freaking out like hell! You should’ve seen her. I mean when Jake came out, she basically would’ve die holding in her breath like that.”

“He has Amanda. Did you see the hicky?” I said to her in a matter of fact tone.

“Who didn’t? The shirt she was wearing was-

“You don’t think they’re having…you know what?” I said gasping, “He would tell us right? He would tell me right?”

“No.” She said, “Maybe just a little foreplay, and making out, you know Jake has this till marriage, or with someone he love rule.”

“Oh.” I said quietly, “Well I’m beat, I better hit my bed.”

“Yeah. Good night.” She said hugging me

We went up stairs. I looked over at Lulu who had already fell asleep. I couldn’t believe her. She was snoring down my house. I didn’t want to believe her but I did. I couldn’t even sleep, all I kept picturing in my head, was Jake kissing me. Oh geez, I’m going to have bags under my eyes when I woke up.

A/N remember to vote and support. :)

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