#20: The Dance *You might wanna read this chapter* :O

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Hello. New chapter up. If you didn't add my friend on face book, trust me he has great ways to make money. Or check out: https://www.facebook.com/isaih.bullock adds him! Haha. Don't be afraid. Now besides him.

What's most important is this chapter. Now, this is a very important chapter! LALALA! This is a very AMAZING CHAPTER. Am I making you excited? Then Yay, I'll shut up and let you read.

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#20: The Dance

My doorbell rang startling me as I reminisced what happed yesterday with Jake. Ever since he got that text, interrupting our 'almost' kiss, and left, he's been ignoring me. He didn't even pick me up this morning, meaning that I had to catch that nasty cheese bus full of weir kids. I sat alone. Even in school, he dodged me. I know he dodged me because when I was heading to lunch he was walking around the corner and when he saw me; he turned around and headed back where he was heading from. It was really starting to make me mad. So, I had to sit with my band today for lunch, and I could feel the awkwardness and all the tension built on that table. Jack even tried to tell a funny joke and it still didn't work. Jason just kept drumming his drumsticks, and kept glancing to Lulu and me. I just got so irritated and I pushed my chair back, and headed out the lunchroom. Jason called out for me, but I didn't feel like talking to him or to Lulu.

It seems as if my day was going bad for a reason. Today was the dance, and it seems as if the universe disliked me and decided that she'll never get a happy moment. I didn't have a dress to wear, and I was planning on staying home with out Jake of course, and cry my eyes out. Go to school the next morning and pretend that nothing happened. Matter fact, I have something to tell my band, or what's left of my band because it seems as if everything was falling apart piece by piece. Soon the Plague would be wiped out.

I headed towards my door running a quick hand through my pony tail. At my door was a bag. A pink bag with a little bow on it, this seemed really weird. I put my head out the door scanning to see who had left this here. I picked up the bag and headed towards my living room, curiously glancing down at the bag. I wonder who left it.

Sitting on my couch I opened up the bag. There was this dressed rolled up in the bag. I took it out carefully scanning the dress. My mouth opening in the process of looking at it. It was beautiful. It a silver sparkly dress with black lines across the dress. I'm really bad at describing things. (A/n. Just like Tyler I'm really bad at describing dresses. So Tylers dress is at the corner there if you wanna see it. Keke is wearing it herself J) It was beautiful. I swear, there was a note at the side of it.

It read:

Since Jake had a problem with you going shopping with me. I decided that I'll go by myself. So enjoy.

I smiled, knowing that it was from Amanda. Why Jake did still didn't trust her? There's a huge possibility that she changed for the better not for the worse. I bet he'll be surprised when I show up, dressed like that. Also in the bag was black closed toe heels, I looked at my watch and saw that in about two hours, I would have to leave to get to the dance. I had no transportation. Luke!

I ran upstairs with the items in my hand and took a quick shower to freshen myself up. Heating my curling iron, I curled my hair and added touches of makeup onto my face. Time for the moment of truth, if the dress fits me or not. Struggling to zip it up, I turned around and stood in front of the mirror admiring myself. The dressed hugged all my curves, and I felt a zoom of confidence that I haven't felt in a long time. Kudos to Amanda.

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